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摘 要 在经济的不断发展之下,上市企业不断增加,企业需要一种财务分析方法来评价其财务状况和经营成果。因为在实际的财务分析过程中,单一指标往往是片面的、绝对的,而且不能深层次地揭露企业财务状况及经营成果的影响动因。为了能够对企业财务状况、经营成果等有一个整体的评价,应将企业各种财务比率指标纳入一个综合评价体系中,从而对企业各方面能有一个准确全面的评价,杜邦分析体系油然而生。杜邦分析法的基本思想是综合利用多个财务指标,系统分析企业的财务状况及经营成果,而非简单地采用单一指标来反映。作为一种比较实用的财务分析工具,杜邦分析法能较为全面地分析一家公司的财务状况和经营成果。本文以苏宁云商为研究对象,选取2011年至2015年的财务数据进行分析,以净资产收益率为核心指标,探索苏宁云商净资产收益率变动的主要影响因素,为该企业乃至整个行业改善经营管理水平提供参考。本文将从杜邦分析法的概念入手,分析各项指标的具体内涵。然后通过对苏宁云商的财务指标的研究,结合课题实际,剖析杜邦分析在企业中的应用。在随后的应用与分析的过程中,发现杜邦分析法的局限性。最后,本文对杜邦分析法提出了改进的建议,其意义在于促进企业的财务指标的完善,使报表使用者和分析者更加透彻的了解企业的财务信息。关键词:杜邦分析;苏宁云商;应用分析;改进建议AbstractWith the development of economy, the listed companies are increasing, and the enterprise needs a financial analysis method to evaluate its financial position and operating results. Because in the actual process of financial analysis, a single indicator is often one-sided, absolute, and can not deeply reveal the corporate financial position and operating results of the impact of incentives. In order to have a overall evaluation of the enterprises financial position, operating results, such as, enterprise financial ratios into a comprehensive evaluation system, thus could have a comprehensive and accurate evaluation on the various aspects of the enterprise, Du Pont analysis system arises spontaneously. Du Pont analysis of the basic idea is to use multiple financial indicators, the system analysis of the financial situation and operating results of enterprises, rather than simply using a single indicator to reflect. As a more practical financial analysis tool, Du Pont analysis method can be more comprehensive analysis of a companys financial position and operating results. The Su Ning as the research object, select the financial data from 2011 to 2015 were analyzed, as the core indicators to explore the main influencing factors of Suning’s net assets income rate to net assets income rate, for the enterprise and even the entire industry to improve the management level for reference.This article will start with the



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