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稠油热采井大修技术研究与应用 摘要 随着油田开发的不断深入,辽河油田采油井和注水井套管的损坏情况已越来越严重,并直接影响到了油田的稳产、上产。因此研究“套损”原因及“套损”机理,采取积极有效的预防措施,采取完善合理的修复治理工艺,使“套损”停产井恢复原有产能已是亟待解决的问题。针对这一现状,提出了稠油热采井大修技术的研究。此项课题包括套损机理的研究和一系列套损井修复复产技术的研究与应用。针对辽河油田的特点而研究应用的多项修复复产技术,包括套管补接工艺技术、套管水力整形技术、大通径无接箍套管加固完井技术、电潜泵和电缆打捞磨铣工具的研制、热采侧钻井小井筒内磨铣及打捞工具的研制等。这些工艺技术将弥补中浅层套损井开窗侧钻成本较高的现状,即可应用于中浅层套损井,也适用于中深层的套损井。它们不但能够满足热采井的生产需要,而且与开窗侧钻、取换套管相比,成本相对较低、周期较短,能在不打更新井、侧钻井的情况下完善地下开发井网。现场试验证明,这些技术的确能够针对 关键词:套损;防治措施;大修复产;效益分析 Research and application of Heavy oil thermal recovery wells overhaul technology ABSTRACT With the deepening of oil field development,Liaohe Oilfield, production wells and injection wells,the damaging has become more and more serious damage, And directly affects the output of the oil fields,on the middle class,so study sets loss causes and casing damage mechanism,taking active and effective preventive measures,Taking to improve the management of a reasonable repair process,The casing damage to restore the Original production capacity of wells is a serious problem,In response to this status,raising A heavy oil thermal recovery wells technology, Topics include the mechanism ofcasing damage and a series of well casing damage repair complex production technology research and application.Considering Liaohe oil field of the characteristics and researching a number of repair complex production technologies, Including the casing Premium accessec technology Plastic casing of hydraulic technology,Chase Drive Coupling casing without reinforcement Completion Technology,Electric submersible pump and cable salvage Development Milling Tools、Thermal recovery side drilling and milling small bins salvage Development Tools,and so on. These technologies will be set to make up for losses in the shallow wells drilled Sidetracking costly status 、It can be used in shallow wells casing damage,Also applies to the casing damage in deep wells. They are not only able to meet the thermal recovery of the production wells 、Sidetracking with fenestration,


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