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摘 要 蒸汽吞吐工艺施工简单,收效快,不需要特别的试验研究,可以直接实施于生产井,边生产边试验,因而受到人们的普遍欢迎。尤其在某些油藏条件下,例如油层厚,油层埋藏浅,井距小,特别是重力排油能力达到经济产量时,蒸汽吞吐可以获得较高的采收率。蒸汽吞吐通常是作为油田规模蒸汽驱开发之前的一个启动手段的先驱开发方式,以减少生产的阻力和增加注入能力。此外,对于井间连通性差、原油粘度过高以及含沥青砂的这类不适合蒸汽驱的油藏,仍把蒸汽吞吐作为一种独立的开发方式,因而它在稠油开发中仍然将继续占有重要的地位。 论文针对油层物理参数、地质参数、以及油层热物性参数对蒸汽吞吐周期的影响,通过简化计算,假设加热区瞬间建立,油层与顶底盖层的热物性参数近似相同,焖井时间内加热范围近似不变,计算分析了合理焖井时间 。应用物质平衡原理、能量平衡原理及两相拟稳态渗流原理,建立了预测蒸汽吞吐效果的解析解模型,计算分析了产油量。通过蒸汽吞吐经济界限指标研究求出累积产油量,求解了采出时间。最后应用新疆克拉玛依油田九区的油层热物性性参数分析了影响蒸汽吞吐周期的影响因素 关键词:稠油;蒸汽吞吐;周期;注气参数;经济界线指标 Abstract Construction of steam stimulation process is simple, fast convergence, no specific experimental research, can be directly implemented in the production wells, testing of Production, which was widely welcomed. Especially in certain reservoir conditions, such as the oil layer thickness, shallow reservoir, well away from small, especially for oil discharge capacity of the gravity of economic output, the steam can get higher throughput recovery. Steam stimulation is often as before the field-scale steam flooding means a pioneer in the development starts way to reduce resistance and increase the production capacity of injection. In addition, poor connectivity between wells, oil viscosity is too high and the tar sands with steam flooding is not suitable for such a reservoir, still the steam stimulation method as an independent development, so it is still in heavy oil development will continue to plays an important role. Articles for oil physical parameters, geological parameters and reservoir thermal parameters of the steam stimulation cycle, through simplicity, assume that heating zone instant build, oil and top and bottom cover of the thermal parameters of nearly the same, soaking time, heating range approximately the same, a reasonable calculation of soaking time. Application of principle of material balance, energy balance principle and the principle of two-phase flow to be steady, a prediction of steam stimulation are analytical models, computational analysis of the oil


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