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附录A MATLAB程序 A.1 第三章程序 1.D-FNN程序 Function [w1, w2, width, rule, e, RMSN] = DFNN (p, t, parameters) %This is D-FNN training program. %Input: % p is the input data, which is r by q matrix % r is the No. of input % t is the output data, which is s2 by q matrix % q is the No. of sample data. % parameters is a vector which defines the predefined parameters % parameters(1)= kdmax (max of accommodation criterion) % parameters(2)= kdmin (min of accommodation criterion) % parameters(3)= gama (decay constant) % parameters(4)= emax (max of output error) % parameters(5)= emin (min of output error) % parameters(6)= beta (convergence constant) % parameters(7)=width0 (the width of the first rule) % parameters(8)= k (overlap factor of RBF units) % parameters(9)= kw (width updating factor) % parameters(10)=kerr (significance of a rule) %Output: % w1 is the centers of the RBF units , which is a u by r matrix % w2 is the weights, which is s2 by u(1+r) matrix % width is the widths of RBF units, which is a 1 by u matrix %Revised 11-3-2006 %Copyright Wu shiqian. If nargin2 Error(`Not enough input arguments`) End If size(p,20)~=size(t,2) Error(`the input date are not correct`) End [r,q]=size(p);[s2,q]=size(t); %setting predefined parameters Kdmax=parameters(1);kdmin=parameters(2);gama=parameters(3); Emax=parameters(4);emin=parameters(5);beta=paramenters(6); Width0=parameters(7);k=parameters(8);kw=parameters; Kerr=parameters(10); ALLIN=[];ALLOUT=[];CRBF=[]; %When first sample data coming ALLIN=p(:,1);ALLOUT=t(:,1); %Seeting up the initial DFNN CRBF=p(:,1);w1=CRBF`;width(1)=width0;rule(1)=1; %caculating the first out error A0=RBF(dist(w1,ALLIN), 1./width`); A01=[a0 p(:,1)`]; W2=ALLOUT/a01`; A02=w2*a01`; RMSE(1)=sqrt(sumsqr(ALLOUT-a02)/s2); %When other sample data coming For i=2:q IN=p(:,i); OUT =t(:,i); ALLIN=[ALLOUT OUT]; [r,N]=size(A


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