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英语六级考试听力必会短语总结 Above all:最重要的是Account for:解释说明 After all:终究,毕竟 Air/car crash:空难,车祸Back up支持,援助 Allergic to:过敏Appeal to:吸引呼吁Apply for/to,application letter申请求职信 At ease安逸,自由自在Beat the crowd避开人群,避开高峰 Be aware of意识到 Be in charge of负责照顾经管Be in the charge of下级+be in the charge of+上级 Be in season应季的,当令的 Be supposed to do应该,被期望Bring up教育培养提出Build up积累,增强,树立By chance/run into偶然By no means绝不/anything butCome up:发生,出现,提出 Come up with针对问题,挑战等提出,想出,赶上 Concentrate on/focus on集中Deal with/cope with处理Drop in顺便拜访 Drop out of不参与,退出Eat one’s words食言Fall short of达不到不符合Figure out:搞清楚弄明白Fit one’s need满足某人需要 Get along with进展Get around避开Get used to习惯于使适应 大学英语六级听力必背的120个重要习语 above all-most importantly account for-explain as a matter of fact-in fact,to speak the truth as a rule-generally;normally about to-be ready to;be on the point of doing something an old hand-be an experienced persom any day now-soon approach sb-talk to sb be fed up with-be out of patience with be on one’s own-live independently be on the safe side-take no chances be out of something-have no longer in supply be tired of-be bored with,frustrated with be up to ones’ears-be extremely busy be up to someone-be a person’s responsibility be out for-trying to get be out of the question-be unacceptable,impossible bite off more than one can chew-take on more than one can handle break down-cease to function break the ice-begin to be friendly wuth people one doesn’t know break the news-inform or give bad news brush up on-imporve one’s knowledge of something through study bump into-meet unexpectedly by and large-in general by heart-by memory by all means-absolutely,definitely by no means-in no way call off-cancel cheer up-be happy come down with-become sick with come into-receive,especially after another’s death come up with-think of count on-depend upon count out-eliminate die down-become quiet,become less do without-manage without something drop by-visit informally;pay a short visit every other-alternate fall behind-lag;fail to


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