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Advertising Translation in Cross-culture Perspective 从跨文化交际角度看广告翻译 6111108018 Chen Yu Outline Contents Abstract in English 1 Introduction 2 The Properties of Advertising 2. 1 The Definition of Advertising 2. 2 The Functions of Advertising 2. 3 Advertising Components 3 Cross-cultural Communication and Advertising Translation 3. 1 The Properties of Culture 3. 2 Cross-cultural Communication 3. 3 Cross-cultural Communication and Advertising Translation 4 Application of Translation Theories in Translating Advertisement 4.1 Peter New mark’s Semantic and Communicative Translation 4.2 Eugene A. Nidas Functional Equivalence Theory 4.3 Skopos theory 5 Translation Techniques of Advertisement in Cross-culture Communication 5.1 Literal Translation 5.2 Free Translation 5.3 Four-word Phrase Translation 5.4 Creative Translation 5.5 Semantic Translation 5.6 Imitation Translation 6 Conclusion 1 Introduction Everyone lives and works in the world which is influenced by advertising. As a matter of fact, advertising has penetrated into our lives and enriched our culture. With the development of Chinese economy and accelerating globalization, advertising business is growing at a surprising speed. Especially in today, China has joined WTO, economic activities became international. It is understandable to known the importance of External advertising. This paper aims at exploring the principles, criterion, and methodology of the advertising translation from the perspective of Cross-cultural communication, applying the theories of Cross-cultural communication, western translation theories to the translation practice of advertisement. 2 The Properties of Advertising 2.1 The Definition of Advertising 2.2 The Functions of Advertising 2.3 Advertising Components 2.3.1 Advertiser The advertiser is


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