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gain v.①得到,获得:gain wealth获得财富 gain the first prize获得一等奖 ②挣得:He’s earning $800 a week at present.他现在每周赚800美元。 ③获益,增加:He gained weight after his illness.病后他的体重增加了。 ④(钟、表)走快:This clock gains five minutes a day.这钟每天快5分钟。 n.收获:No gains without pains.不劳无获。 【注意】gain admission to获准进入But?first?you?have?to?gain?admission?to?the school, and?then you?can?investigate?the? availability?of financial aid.?但是,你首先必须获得入学许可,然后探询获得资助的可能性。Most Year 3 students in high schools are working hard day and night for the 2018 college entrance examinations, hoping to gain admission to their dream universities.大多数高三学子都在夜以继日地努力学习以备考201高考,希望他们理想的大学希望被他们的理想大学录取。 a gap year(中学和大学之间暂停学业的)生活实践年(用于实习或旅行) garage n.汽车库:The garage is at the back of the house.车库在房屋后面。 garbage n.垃圾:No garbage here!此处禁止倒垃圾!garden n.花园,果园,菜园:a back garden后院 Let’s have lunch in the garden.咱们在花园吃饭吧。 【注意】gardening n.园艺(学),从事园艺:Do you know anything about gardening?你懂园艺吗? garlic n.蒜:a clove of garlic一个蒜瓣儿 garment n.衣服,外衣:This garment must be dry-cleaned.这件衣服只可以干洗。 This garment should be washed carefully.这件衣服应该小心地洗涤。 gas n.①煤气:Do you use electricity or gas for cooking?你做饭用电还是用煤气? ②气体,气态:Hydrogen and oxygen are gases.氢和氧都是气体。 gate n.①大门:②登机入口 gather v.①聚集,积累:Gather around, and I’ll tell you a story.大家都过来,我给你们讲个故事。 ②收集,搜集:He is gathering information.他在搜集资料。 ③采集,收拾,收获:Gather your toys up.把你的玩具收拾起来。 ④渐增,增长:As we came onto the open road we gathered speed.来到宽敞的马路时,我们渐渐加速。 n.将军:Here’s the report, General.将军,这是报告。 【注意】in general总的说来,大体上:I don’t eat much meat in general.我一般很少吃肉。 generation n.代,一代:the second generation computers第二代电脑 This photo shows three generations of my family.这张照片是我们家三代同堂的合影。 【注意】汉语说老一代和年轻一代,并无比较意味,但英语却通常说成the older generation和the younger generation。 generous adj.①慷慨的,大方的:It was very generous of your parents to lend us all that money. 承蒙你父母慷慨借给我们这么多钱。 ②丰盛的,大量的:a generous harvest 丰收 gentle adj.温柔的,轻轻的:Be gentle when you brush the baby’s hair.给婴儿梳头时要轻轻的。 ⑨听懂,明白:Do you get me what I mean?你明白我的话吗? ⑩被,受:He got puni


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