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桥式起重机设计 摘要 起重机械是用来对物料进行起重、运输、装卸或安装等作业的机械设备。它在国民经济各部门都有广泛的应用,起着减轻体力劳动、节省人力,提高劳动生产率和促进生产过程机械化的作用。被广泛地应用在国民经济各个领域,已形成了系列化产品。桥式起重机是使用最广泛、拥有量最大的一种轨道运行式起重机,其额定起重量从几吨到几百吨,可在多种场所进行多种物料的装卸和搬运工作,广泛应用于工矿企业的车间,仓库等。 考虑到起重机械在实际工业中应用广泛,而桥式起重机在工厂车间、厂房、仓库等室内场合应用最为广泛,结合自身所学专业为机械,而毕业从事的工作又为重机类行业,因此必须要对桥式起重机有个详细的了解,同时掌握其设计制造的方法及设计理论等重要知识,故本文从桥式起重机大车运行机构、起升机构、小车运行机构、端梁等方面对桥式起重机进行设计研究。 关键词:桥式起重机,运行机构,小车 Bridge?crane design Abstract Crane is used for lifting of materials, transportation, handling or installation of machinery and equipment operations. It is in the national economic sectors have wide applications, play to reduce manual work, save manpower, improve labor productivity and the role of mechanization of the production process. Been widely applied in various fields of national economy, has formed a series of products. Crane is the most widely used, has the largest orbit of a crane, and its rated capacity from a few tons to several hundred tons of places in a variety of kinds of material handling and transport work, widely used in mining Business workshops and warehouses. Taking into account the crane is widely used in industry, while the overhead crane in the factory workshops, factories, warehouses and other indoor places most widely used, with their own specialty to the machinery, and graduate work in class but also for the heavy machinery industry, so On the bridge crane must have a detailed understanding of control of both its design and manufacturing methods and design theory, and other important knowledge, therefore we run the organization from the bridge crane, hoisting mechanism, car run institutions, and other aspects of end beam Design of bridge crane. Key words:Bridge crane, operating agencies, car 目录 第一章 前言 1 1.1起重机的介绍 1 1.2桥式起重机国内外发展现状 1 1.2.1国外发展现状 2 1.2.2国内发展现状 3 1.3起重机设计的总体方案 4 1.3.1大车运行机构的设计方案: 4 1.3.2起升机构设计方案 4 1.3.3小车运行机构设计方案: 4 1.3.4端梁的设计方案: 5 第二章 大车运行机构的计算 6 2. 1确定机构的传动方案 6 2.2选择车轮与轨道,并验算其强度 6 2.3疲劳强度的计算: 7 2.4强度校核 8 2.5 运行阻力计算 9 2. 6选择电动机 10 2.7 验算电动机的


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