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摘 要 随着科学技术的不断发展,网络在我们的日常生活中正发挥着它重要的作用。现在,网络上传递的信息种类越来越多,从最初的文字信息发展到目前的文字、图象、声音、视频、动画等几乎所有种类的信息。因为需要传递的信息种类的增多,尤其是需要同时传递多种信息的时候,对计算机网络的数据传输技术也提出了新的要求。在不断提升网络带宽的同时,网络多媒体技术也在不断地发展,包括数据的压缩编码和用于发布媒体的网络技术。在线音乐点播系统就是近年来出现的比较新颖的运用流媒体技术的网络多媒体形式。 我的论文主要讲述了,根据网络音乐的实际情况,通过对网站有关音乐媒体发布事项的一番调查与分析,在用户对音乐需求的解析基础上,明确了在线音乐点播系统要实现的具体功能,并阐述系统的结构设计和功能设计,从而实现一个小型音乐网站的设计与应用。 在论文里我还还介绍了设计的两大组成部分:一个是前台界面:经过注册的用户试听自己喜欢的歌曲甚至可以在线下载歌曲到他们的私人电脑里 ;另一个是后台界面:管理员对站内音乐信息采取必要的维护措施,比如增加新的音乐信息,修改歌曲和歌手信息以及删除过时的新闻信息等。 关键词:音乐点播;后台管理;ASP;数据库;流媒体 Abstract With the constant development of science and technology, network is playing an important role in our daily life. There are more and more information kinds transmitted on the network have developed information in such nearly all kinds as the characters, pictures, sounds, videos, cartoons, etc. Up till now from initial characters information. Because of the increasing of the transmitted information kind, particularly, when it does need to transmit many kinds of information at the same time, the technology of transmitting data on the network faces new challenge. Meanwhile, with the constant improvement of the bandwidth on the network, the media technology on the network is also developing quickly, including the compression coding of the data and the technology on the network of the media issue. So the system of the online music requesting is a new style of Multimedia on the network with the technology of the media flows in recent years. My thesis mainly introduces that according to the situation of music on the network, we not only definite the primary functions of this on-line music system but explain the structure design and the function design of this music system as well through the survey and the analysis of the arrangement for the music media, even on the basis of analyzing the demand for the users. As a result, we realize the design and the use of a small music network. In my thesis,I also introduce the two parts in my design: one is the front_stage


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