Alexander Pope亚历山大·蒲柏 英文介绍培训材料.ppt

Alexander Pope亚历山大·蒲柏 英文介绍培训材料.ppt

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Alexander Pope ;Alexander Pope;蒲柏出生于一个罗马天主教家庭,他幼年时期患有结核性脊椎炎,造成驼背,身高没有超过1.37米,寿命不长(56岁去世)。 1727年的蒲柏.蒲柏从12岁即开始发表诗作,他的第一部重要作品是1711年他23岁时出版的诗体《批评论》,其中许多名句已经成为英语成语。 ; Alexander Pope was born in London as the son of Alexander Pope, a Roman Catholic linen-merchant, and Edith (Turner) Pope, who was forty-four when Alexander, her only child, was born. Edith Pope belonged to a large Yorkshire family, which divided along Catholic and Protestant lines. His early years Pope spent at Binfield on the edge of Windsor Forest, and recalled this period as a golden age: Thy forests, Windsor, and thy green retreats, / At once the monarchs and the Muses seats, / Invite my lays. Be present, sylvan maids! Unlock your springs, and open all your shades. Anecdotes from Popes life were deemed worthy of collecting during his lifetime. Joseph Spence, a critic, minor poet, and Popes biographer, tells that Pope was a child of a particularly sweet temper and had a great deal of sweetness in his look when he was a boy.;Alexander Pope故居;Alexander Pope故居牌坊;他的第一部重要作品是1711年他23岁时出版的诗体《批评论》,其中许多名句已经成为英语成语。 1712年他写作了长篇讽刺诗《夺发记》,1714年又补充了两章。这首诗描写一家男孩偷剪了另一家女孩的一绺金发,因为此事引起两家的争执。蒲柏把此事描写得和《伊利亚特》中特洛伊战争一样壮观,写成了一部英雄史诗。;中后期作品;30年代他计划写一部关于人、自然和社会关系的巨著,但只完成一部序论:《人论》(1734年)。1735年,他写作了《致阿巴思诺医生书》,讽刺了身居高位,逍遥法外的道德败坏者。 蒲柏还为牛顿写了著名的墓志铭:“自然和自然法则隐藏在暗处,上帝说:‘让牛顿来’然后所有的都暴露出来了”。 ;亚历山大·蒲柏的《人论》片段;Alexander Pope手稿;The end Thank you!


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