Lesson 10 Shopping购物培训材料.pptx

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购物;Part A ;译文:;Key Words and Expressions单词及表达;Language Points; 表示“花费,支付”的常用词汇。 pay [pe?] v. 支付,付款 I’ll pay for the meal. 我买单! She pays $200 dollars for this apartment every week. 这套公寓她每周要支付200美金。 There is a 3% discount if you pay (in) cash within fourteen days upon receipt of invoice. 如果贵方收到发票之日起十四天内付款,将给予3%折扣。 spend [spend] v. 花费, 度过,消磨(时光) Zhao spent about 200 million RMB on that private plane. 赵本山花了2亿人民币买了那架私人飞机。 He spent the whole day musing when he got the news. 得知这个消息,他一整天都陷入沉思之中。 afford [?f??d] v. 买得起 He cannot afford that villa. 他买不起那座别墅。 The housing prices should be lowered so that every family can afford one. 房产价格应该降低,这样每个家庭都能买得起。 ;That’s very expensive. 那很贵。 expensive 表“昂贵的”,修饰物品。 例: The price of the car is expensive. (×) The car is expensive. (√ ) 这部车很贵。 表示价钱高低可用high(高)或low(低)来表示。 The price of the house is expensive. (×) The price of the house is high. (√ ) 这栋房子的价格很高。 = The house is expensive. 这栋房子很贵。 Eggs are selling at a low price due to the bird flu. 因为禽流感,鸡蛋售价很低。 Do you have anything cheaper? 你们有没有比较便宜的东西? Know something of everything and everything of something. 既要有一般常识,又要有专业知识。 Everything happens for a reason. 万事皆有因。 ; 形容词修饰不定代词时,形容词放其后,不能放其前。 例: Do you have important anything to tell me? (×) Do you have anything important to tell me? ( √ ) 你有什么重要的事要告诉我吗? I didn’t have anything important to tell you. 我没有什么重要的事情要告诉你。 I have something good for you. 我有好东西给你。 There is nothing nice to eat in that restaurant. = There isn’t anything nice to eat in that restaurant. 那家餐厅没什么好吃的东西。 比较级的构成与用法。 原级是单音节的形容词,在原级字尾加-er ;I’ll take it.我就把它买下来。 表示买下某个东西,等于“I’ll buy it.” 例句: A: This book is very good. You should buy it. B: Al


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