初中物理 试编教材-运动的描述descriptionof motion.doc

初中物理 试编教材-运动的描述descriptionof motion.doc

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初中物理 试编教材-运动的描述descriptionof motion

Description of motion Preview Relating new words mechanic motion 机械运动 reference 参考系 rest 静止 relative 相对的 move 移动 运动 distance 距离 speed 速率 velocity 速度 fast 快的 unknown 未知的 average speed 平均速度 calculate 计算 acceleration 加速度 value 数值 direction 方向 Thinking about look at the picture on the right ,they are riding bicycles on the road neck in neck ;if you are standing on the road side,what would you feel?if you are one of them ,what will you feel about your partner and the trees on the two sides ? I think: New learning In physics, change of position is called mechanic motion . One object moving from P1 to P2 ,then to P3 ,finally stop at P4 ,this is mechanic motion of the object 。 When we describe motion of an object, we should choose a reference object firstly. (Reference object is the one we assume is rest before we describe motion of the others.) I know Because you chose different references . So ,you should say :…is moving relate to … or … is rest relate to … there is absolute motion (绝对运动),but relative rest (相对静止) which depends on a certain reference you chose . How to describe how fast is the motion? Case 1 You can run 100m in 16s ,while your competitor in 17s ,who is faster between you two ? Case 2 If the cat can run 100m in 10s ,while the mouse run only 80m in 10s ,is it possible for the cat to catch the mouse ? Case 3 A boy can run 200m in 32s ,while a girl can run 100m in 18s ,who do you think is faster? speed is just how fast you are going —— how much distance per second . Formula :speed =distance/time S=d/t ● SI unit of speed is . E.g. A cat skulks (爬行) 20m in 35s, find: Its speed or velocity . How long it takes to skulk 75m. solution:using the formula triangle : v =d÷t =20m÷35s= 0.57m/s


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