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How to Publish in International Academic Journals 如何在国际期刊发表文章 Haiyan SONG 宋海岩 School of Hotel Tourism Management 酒店及旅游业管理学院 The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 香港理工大学 Why to publish? 为何要发表? The foremost reason for publishing research results is to communicate the findings to other people. 发表研究结果的最重要原因是向其他人传达研究成果 Publishing contributes to scientific progress. 发表文章有助科学进步 Publications are academic currency. 出版物是学术货币 Researchers are evaluated according to the number of publications they have produced. 学院/机构以出版物数量对研究员进行评估 Funds for research projects and travel grants are allocated based on publication records. 研究项目的资金和旅费补助是基于出版物记录来分配 Career promotion is also dependent on publishing. 职业晋升依赖于出版物多寡 Publishing is a quality control. Once research results are published they are disclosed to the academic community and can be evaluated and judged by other experts. 发表文章是控制质量的方法。研究结果出版后,学术同行及其他专家可以作出评估。 This helps to test the validity and reliability of research results. 这有助于测试研究结果的 有效性和可靠性 Once published, their authors have obtained a certain quality label. 一旦出版,代表作者取得了一定的质量标签 Why to publish? 为何要发表? 构建文章主题 完成研究 设定文章结构 撰写文章部分 文章格式化 选择期刊/书本 确定作者 确定工作标题 确定文章目的 加入鸣谢部分 加入并检查参考文献 确定标题及关键词 撰写摘要 提交稿件 Authorship 作者 The decision of who is the paper’s first author and in which order other authors are listed is very important. 决定谁是论文的第一作者及其他作者的排列次序至关重要 As a general rule, the first author is the one who has done most of the work related to the paper. 一般来说,第一作者是为有关研究做了大部分贡献的人 authors might consider rotation of first authorship when several papers are to be written. 如要撰写数篇论文,作者们可考虑轮流当第一作者 Alternatively, authors can agree to prepare an author declaration that documents the equal contribution of all authors to a paper. 另外,作者可以透过作者声明表示所有作者对有关论文的相同贡献 For PhD student, it is often the case that their supervisor is listed before the student on his/her first published paper as the supervisor has played a major role in developing the p


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