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TEXAS 德克萨斯州) MASTER THE WRITTEN TEST! 笔试部分) TEXAS TEST INFORMATION 德克萨斯考试信息) IMPORTANT LINKS (重要链接) Texas DMV Website 德克萨斯州机动车网站) http ://www.txdps.state.tx.us/ Texas Office Locations (德克萨斯州政府网) http :///tx/locations/ FEES (费用) * Instruction permit (学习驾照): $5 * Driver s license examination 驾照考试): $10 * Original driver s license (原驾照)(under 18 - one year) (十八岁下,有效期1 年): $5 * Original driver s license (原驾照)(18+, 6-years) (十八岁上,有效期6 年): $24 WHAT TO BRING 要带些什么) You must bring 你要带): (a) One piece of Primary Identification (主要识别) or (b) One piece of Secondary Identification plus two or more pieces of Supporting Identification (次要识别或一到两件支持身份识别证件); or (c) Two or more pieces of Secondary Identification. (两件或以上次要身份证明) Primary W/ Photo, Full Name And Date Of Birth 最主要的要带来的,照片,姓名和生日) * Valid or recently expired Texas driver license/ID 有效或过期的德克萨斯驾驶执照/ID ) * Valid US Passport, Citizenship certiicate (有效的美国护照,美国公民身份证) * Valid US INS document with verified date(有效的美国移民文件) * US Military identification card 美国服役军人身份证) Secondary Identiication 次要身份证明) * Original or certified copy of a birth certiicate (出生证明原件或副本) * Original or certiied certiication of birth abroad 国外出生证明原件或副本) * Valid, out-of-state drivers license 有效的外州驾驶证) * Original or certified court order name and DOB(原名或法庭承认的新名字和出生年 ) Supporting Identification (支持身份识别) * School records 病例) * Insurance policy (valid for the past two years) 保险单,过去两年都有效) * Vehicle title (车牌名) * Military records (Form DD 214) (服兵役记录 表DD2 14) * Unexpired military dependant ID card (actual card) (有效的军人家属抚恤卡) * Original or certified marriage or divorce decree 结婚证明或离婚证明原件) * Voter registration card (actual card) 选民登记卡) * Social Security card (actual card)(社保卡) Proof of Social Security Number 社会保险号的证明) * Federal issued So


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