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福建农业学报23( 2) : 201~ 204, 2008 : 1008- 0384 ( 2008 02- 020 1- 04 F uj ian J ournal of A g r icultural Sciences 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 任香芸 , 李维新 , 何志刚 , 林晓姿 ( 1. , 3500 13; 2. , 350003) : , , 3 SO 2 : 101 SO 2 , , 5% ( V/ V) , 83% , : ; ; ; ; : T S 25544 : A Microbial screening for superior strain in loquat vinegar-making REN X iang-y un1, 2 , LI W e-i x in1, 2 , H E Zh-i gang1, 2 , LIN Xiao- i1, 2 ( 1. A g ricultur al p rod ucts stor age and p r ocess r esearch centr e, Fuj ian A cademy of A g r icultur al Science , Fuz ho u, Fuj ian, 350013 China; 2. I nstitute of A g r icultur al Eng ineer ing T echnology , Fuj ian A cademy of A g r icultur al Science , Fuz hou, F uj ian 350003, China Abstract: A cetic acid conver sion rate and fermentation cy cle wer e the major indices applied t o sear ch for the v inegar - making fro m loquat wine. T he acetobacter s tolerance to ethanol co ncent ration, SO2 content and fruit acid, as well as, their acetic acid formation rate and fer mentation cycle wer e examined. T he results indicated that H uniang 10 1 could obtain a high conversio n rate w ith a short fermentation cy cle in high concentr atio ns of ethanol, SO and 2 fruit acid. T he conver sion rate reached as high as 83% in glass vessel fer mentat ion. T herefore, it w as concluded that Huniang 101 was a super ior strain for making l


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