应收账款管理存在的问题及应策略略 论文摘要和结论.doc

应收账款管理存在的问题及应策略略 论文摘要和结论.doc

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应收账款管理存在的问题及应策略略 论文摘要和结论

摘 要 经济的快速发展使得市场竞争越来越激烈,所以企业要想扩大商业规模,不得不大量地运用商业信用促销或其他优惠方式来招揽顾客,从而产生了应收账款。应收账款对企业的发展有利也有弊,虽有利于增加销售,减少库存,增强企业的竞争力;却又存在一定的风险,如偿付风险,资本成本风险,管理成本增大风险。如果管理不善,可能会引发企业财政危机,甚至造成破产,所以应收账款的管理对企业稳定和发展显得越来越重要,已成为企业财务管理的重要内容,直接关系到企业财务状况的好坏。但是,目前仍然有许多企业在应收账款管理上存在诸多问题,譬如:赊销前没有评估客户的信用资格,合同签订不合理,日常管理不到位,会计监督体制不完善等。这些问题都会给企业的日常生产,未来规模扩大带来不利影响。因此,如何减少应收账款风险,科学的进行应收账款的管理,已成为企业经营中不容忽视的一个重要课题。本文将从企业应收账款项目管理存在的问题着手,讨论并分析其相应的应对策略。 关键词:应收账款管理;问题;对策 ABSTRACT As the social economy developes swiftly,the market competition becomes more and more fierce.Thus the companies who desire to expand the scale of business have to appeal to clients by using a large number of commercial credit preferential or other privileges to promote sales.As a result,the accounts receivable is produced.,which has both advantages and disadvantages to companies’ development.Although it is beneficial to increase sales, reduce inventory, and enhance the competitiveness of enterprises,there are also some risks, such as, solvency risk, the cost of capital risk,and the increasing cost of management risk. Bad management may lead to financial crisis , even result in bankruptcy, so accounts receivable management seems more and more important to the stability and development of the enterprise,and has become an important content of enterprise’s financial management,which is directly related to the stand or fall of enterprise financial situation.However,there are still many problems in the management of accounts receivable for many companies,such as,before the sale on credit, companies do not evaluate clints’ qualification. Unreasonable contract is another problem.Also,daily management does not reach the designated position,and accounting supervision system is not perfect, etc. All these above will trouble enterprises daily production and bring adverse effects to the future expanding of companies.Therefore, how to reduce the risk of accounts receivable and manage the accounts receivable efficiently has become the essential t


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