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某水泥厂110kV总降压变电所的设计 摘 要 该论文主要阐述了某水泥厂110kv总降压变电所供配电系统的设计依据、原则、方法以及设计的结论。在供配电系统设计中,首先根据负荷等级和原始资料,运用需要系数法进行负荷计算,并且进行变压器和主接线的比较设计和选择工作,并且根据供电局的要求进行无功功率补偿的计算设计工作。根据电力系统运行的可靠性和安全性要求考虑,本次设计采用单母线分段接线的主接线形式。变压器采用大于总容量60—70%的两台变压器。随后运用标幺值的方法进行了短路电流的计算,为设备的选择和校验打下了坚实的基础。电气设备的选择和校验包含10kv和0.4kv两个电压等级下 关键词:变压器电气设备 The Design of Major System of 110kV Substation ABSTRACT This thesis describes a cement plant 110kv substation total buck power supply system design basis, principles, methods, and conclusions of the design. In power supply system design, the first under load level and raw materials, the use of load calculation requires coefficient method and performs a comparison transformers and main wiring design and choice of work, and according to the requirements of power supply bureau reactive power compensation is calculated design work. According to the power systems reliability and safety requirements to consider, this design uses a single bus segment form the main connection wiring. Transformers greater than 60% -70% of total capacity of the two transformers. Then use pu methods for the calculation of short-circuit current for equipment selection and verification laid a solid foundation. Selection and verification of electrical equipment containing 10kv and 0.4kv two voltage levels breaker selection and dynamic thermal stability checking, bus selection and dynamic thermal stability check, selection and validation of current transformers, voltage transformers selection, selection and high voltage electrical cabinet selection arrester. In lightning protection, in accordance with the design requirements GB installed lightning rod. In the last according to their own design using CAD produced drawings of the substations electrical system. KEY WORDS: Transformer,,Electricity equipmentsMajor system 目 录 前 言 1 第1章 供配电的参数要求 6 1.1 供电局要求的功率因数 6 1.2 负荷统计的原始资料 6 第2章 负荷计算及无功功率补偿 7 2.1 负荷计算 7 2.1.1 负荷计算的内容和目的 7 2.1.2 负荷计算的方法 7 2.1.3 用电设备计算负荷的计算式 8 2.1.4 各车间的负荷计算 8 2.2 车间变压器的选择 9 2.2.1 水泥粉



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