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生态学杂志  2002 ,21 (6) :24~28 Chinese Journal of Ecology                                        沈阳市建成区行道树的结构与功能研究 金莹杉  何兴元  陈 玮  徐文铎 ( 中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所 ,沈阳 1100 16) 宁祝华   马润国 ( ) ( ) 美国南方大学城市森林系 , 巴吞鲁 日 70813   北京市西山试验林场 ,北京 100093 Structure and Function of Street Trees in Shenyang Builtup Area. J in Yingshan , He Xingyuan , Chen Wei , Xu Wenduo ( I ns tit ute of A pp lied Ecology , Chinese A cademy of S ciences , S heny ang 1100 16) , N ing Zhuhua ( S out hern University an d A M College , S out h B ranch B aton R ouge L A 70813 USA ) , M a R ung uo ( B eij ing X is hen Exp eri ment Fores t , B ei ) ( ) j ing 100093 . Chinese J ou rnal of Ecology ,2002 ,21 6 :24~28. In t he case of Shenyang , t he structure and function of street trees in builtup area was studied . Wit h t he typical met hod of community sampling survey , t he relative quantitative index , vertical distribution ,and horizontal distribution were analysed . Wit h CI T Y GR EEN software , we analyzed t he benefit s of pollutant s removal , and achieved some quantitative result . The result s showed t hat t he structure and function of street trees in Shenyang is becoming simple gradually . The regional differ ence is obvious and t he benefit s are not in balance , caused by unreasonable structure . Key  words :urban forest ,street trees ,structure . 关  键  词 :城市森林 ,行道树 ,结构 中图分类号 :S181    文献标识码 :A    文章编号 :1000 - 4890 (2002) 06 - 0024 - 05   城市森林不仅可以减少城市中的裸露地面 ,更 245ha ,总人口680 万 。沈阳城区座落于浑河冲积扇 是大气污染的天然净化器 。它可以促使大气中 O2 之上 。本区地表由全新统砂砾石 、亚粘土 、亚砂土构 和 CO2 的平衡 ,


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