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Thank you everyone pls have a seat. Let me thank Pastor Hybels from near my hometown in Chicago. Who took time off his vacation to be here today. We are blessed to have him. I want to thank president Neil Kerwin and our hosts here at American University. Acknowledge my outstanding Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis, and members of my administration, all the members of Congress. Hida deserves applause. To all the members of congress, the elected officials, faith and law enforcement, labor, business leaders and immigration advocates who are here today. Thank you for your presence. I want to thank American University for welcoming me to the campus once again. Some may recall that last time I was here I was joined by a dear friend and a giant of American politics. Senator Edward Kennedy. Teddy’s not here tight now, but his legacy of civil rights and health care and worker protections is still with us. I was a candidate for President that day and some may recall I argued that our country had reached a tipping point that after years in which we had deferred our most pressing problems and too often yielded to the politics of the moment. We now faced a choice. We could squarely confront our challenges with honesty and determination or we could consign ourselves and our children to a future less prosperous and less secure. I believed that then and I believe it now and that’s why even as we’ve tackled the most severe economic crisis since the Great Depression, even as we’ve wound down the war in iraq and refocused our efforts in Afghanistan, my administration has refused to ignore, some of the fundamental challenges facing this generation. We launched the most aggressive education reforms in decades. So that our children can gain the knowledge and skills they need to compete in 21st century global economy. We have finally delivered on the promise of health reform, reform that will bring greater security to every American and that will rein in the skyrocketing costs that threate


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