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精益生产在汽车座椅装配线中的改善研究毕业论文 精益生产在汽车座椅装配线中的改善研究 摘要本文基于武汉Brose汽车集团对精益生产应用的基础上综合运用精益生产理论方法对其汽车座椅装配线进行持续改善解决当前产能不足产线资金运转不畅等问题论文采用精益生产的价值流析当前生产制造系统的薄弱项从精益的角度出发出制造系统结合当前最新客户需求设计出产品的未来流图实施精益改善使公司工厂运营的各个指标都得到较大的提升 Improvement and Research of Lean Production in Car-seat Assembly Line Abstract Based on the application of LP in the Brose Group in Wuhan this paper integrated into the theory of LP is aimed to conduct constant improvement in its car-seat assembly line and to solve the problems of shortage of capacity production-line cash flow etc This paper studies the weaknesses in the current manufacturing system by applying the value-stream analysis of LP From the perspective of LP it is analyzed in the paper where the bottleneck working procedure and the non-value-added action lie in the car-seat manufacturing assembly system The application of processes analysis of LP helps to break the existing line balance as well as promoting the reintegration of the bottleneck working procedure Meanwhile the just-in-time system is applied in the assembly line by using the LP tools visual management just-in-time production Kanban system value stream map continuous improvement etc combining the current production capacity and the latest customer needs the flow of materials as well as the stock level are optimized by using the pull production future value stream map is worked out Through the practice of LP each index of the cooperation operation has raised in below aspects average production rate reduced to 107s from 143s production efficiency increased to 504 per day from 315 per day the labor force reduced to 5 from 8 the lines area declined to 51 square meters from 84 square meters finished inventory dropped to 2 days from 7 days re-stocking period fell to 1 day from 7days delivery was down to 2 times per day from 4 times per day In total it has created RMB 6462916 cost savings directly for the company Key words Leap Production value stream map analysis process an


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