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PAGE 9 毕业论文 重庆电子工程职业学院 二0一一年3月25 摘 要 本文介绍了以第二代移动通信系统GSM为核心来讨论无线网络的优化过程、优化内容、优化措施及相关案例分析。利用相关软件进行路测分析的数据提取并进行数据分析,进一步提取问题原因,提出解决措施。移动通信系统广泛的应用于各个领域,无论是军事还是民用都得到了应用。 在路测分析数据采集中,通过对路的软件的学习,掌握了软件操作流程,如各种仪器(GPS导航设备、路测MOS盒、笔记本电脑、测试手机、各种连接线)并进行数据的采集。 在数据分析中,通过学习GSM网络系统的标准,结合实际环境,对发生问题的区域数据进行分析,找出问题所在,并提出解决方案,谨慎实施方案(通过调节各种物理参数,如天线下倾角、方位角、挂高……),并进行 路测跟踪,确认问题是否得到解决。 通过对GSM网络优化与实现的研究,充分体现了移动通信网络优化的必要性和重要性。 关键词:GSM,路测软件,数据分析,解决方案 ABSTRACT ABSTRACT This paper introduces the second generation mobile communication system as the core GSM wireless network optimized to discuss the process of optimizing the content, optimization measures and the related case study. Road testing using related software analysis of the data extraction and data analysis, and further extraction of the problem, and proposes solutions. Mobile communication systems are widely used in various fields, whether military or civilian have been applied. In the drive test analysis of data acquisition, through with the requisite software, study and master the software operational processes, such as various equipment (GPS navigation equipment, road test MOS boxes, notebooks, test phones, a variety of connection line) and data collection. In the data analysis, by studying GSM network standards, combined with the actual environment, problems of regional data analysis to identify problems and propose solutions, careful implementation of the program (through regulation of various physical parameters, such as antenna inclination angle, azimuth, hanging high ... ...), and to drive test track, to confirm whether the problem is resolved. On GSM network optimization and implementation of research, fully embodies the mobile communication network optimization of the necessity and importance. KEY WORDS: GSM, drive test software, data analysis, solutions 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc264633473 摘 要 PAGEREF _Toc264633473 \h I HYPERLINK \l _Toc264633474 ABSTRACT PAGEREF _Toc264633474 \h III HYPERLINK \l _Toc26463


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