迪士尼神奇英语 第二十四课 Mountains 大山_精品.doc

迪士尼神奇英语 第二十四课 Mountains 大山_精品.doc

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迪士尼神奇英语 第二十四课 Mountains 大山_精品

第二十四课? VIDEO TRANSLATION Magic English ,Magic English! Look and speak and sing and play! 神奇英语,神奇英语!既看又说,又唱又玩! Magic English , Magic English! Have fun with Disney every day! 神奇英语,神奇英语!有了迪士尼,天天有乐趣! These are mountains. Its snowing. Goofy wakes up. He puts on his skis. 这些是山。 下雪了。 高飞醒来了。 他穿上他的滑雪板。 Goofy is getting dressed. He puts on his sweater. He puts on his trousers. 高飞在穿衣服。 他穿上他的毛衣。 他穿上他的裤子。 Now hes dressed. 现在,他已穿上他的衣服。 The mountains are beautiful. Theres a lot of snow. 山非常美丽。 这儿有许多雪。 Goofy goes up the mountain. Hes ready to ski. 高飞爬上了山。 他准备滑雪。 He skis down the mountain. He goes down. He skis very fast. 他向山下滑去。 他下山了。 他滑得非常快。 Where are his skis? Here they are. 他的滑板在哪儿? 它们在这儿。 He goes down. He goes up. Hes flying on his skis. Hes flying. 他下山了。 他上山了。 他踏着滑雪板腾空而起。 他在飞。 Where is he now? Hes in bed. 他在哪儿? 他在床上。 Its snowing in the mountains. Theres a lot of snow. 山男正在下雪。 这儿有许多雪。 Goofy puts on his sweater. He puts on his trousers. 高飞穿上毛衣。 他穿上裤子。 He goes up the mountain. He skis down the mountain. 他上山了。 他滑下山。 Up. Down. Climb. Fall. Mountains. 向上。 向下。 爬。 落下。 群山。 Its a pretty day. Theres a lotof snow. Come follow me. To the mountains we go.? 美丽的一天。 还有许多雪。 随我来。 我们上山去。 Camping in the mountains. Travelling in a canoe. Walking in the mountains. Swimming in the lake. 在山里宿营。 乘独木岛旅行。 在山间散步。 在湖中畅泳。 Running up the mountain. Skiing down the mountain. 跑上山。 滑下山。 Climbing up the mountain. Falling down the mountain. 爬山。 从山上掉下来。 Mickeys going up a mountain. Donalds going up the mountain. Pluto is going up, too. Donald is helping him. 米老鼠正向山上走。 唐老鸭正向山上走。 布鲁托也正在山上。 唐老鸭正在帮助他。 Be careful, Pluto. Dont fall. Pluto is afraid of falling. 小心点,布鲁托。 别掉下去。 布鲁托害怕掉下去。 Donald climbs un the mountain. He picks flowers. He climbs higher. He climbs higher and higher. 唐老鸭爬上了山。 他摘了几朵花。 他爬得更高了。 他越爬越高。 Mickey climbs up the mountain. Look! He finds eggs. He takes them. 米老鼠爬上山。 看!他发现了鸟蛋。 他要拿走鸟蛋。 Oh! Oh! An eagle. The eagle is angry. There are baby eagles in these eggs. A lot of baby ea


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