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端午节 * 端午节 端午节 The Dragon Boat Festival Today, we will introduce one traditional holiday to all of you. What do you know? 1. Whats the date of The Dragon Boat Festival? The Dragon Boat Festival, the 5th day of the 5th month in the Chinese lunar calendar, has had a history of more than 2,000 years. It is usually in June in the Solar calendar. 端午节(农历五月初五)是中国古老的传统节日,始于春秋战国时期,至今已有2000多年历史。通常在阳历的六月份。 The Dragon Boat Festival PS:今年的端午节是在6月20日。 The Dragon Boat Festival Today, Dragon Boat Festival in the Chinese people is still a very popular grand festival. Country attaches great importance to the protection of intangible cultural heritage. Among with the Chinese New Year and Mid-autumn Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival is one of the biggest traditional festivals in China. 时至今日,端午节在中国人民中仍是一个十分盛行的隆重节日。国家非常重视非物质文化遗产的保护。 除了春节和中秋节,端午节就是中国其中最大的传统节日之一。 The Dragon Boat Festival 2. The origin of the Dragon Boat Festival People celebrate the festival so as to be in honor of Quyuan-a?scholarly?government?official?and a patriotic poet. He?was?a?good?and?respected?man,?but?because of the?misdeeds?of?jealous?rivals?he?eventually fell?into disfavor?in?the?emperors?court. ? The Dragon Boat Festival Unable?to?regain?the?respect?of?the?emperor,in?his?sorrow?Qu?Yuan?threw?himself?intothe?Mi?Luo?river on the fifth day of the fifth month. People who mourned his death threw rice into the river to feed the ghost every year this day. The Customs Hanging Calamus and Moxa 挂艾叶、菖蒲 Dragon Boat Race 赛龙舟 The Culture of Zongzi 粽子 Spice Bag 香囊 The Customs Hanging Calamus and Moxa 挂艾叶、菖蒲 Hang calamus and moxa (oriental plants) on the front door This is also to ward off evil. 挂艾叶和菖蒲在门前可以驱赶妖魔。 The Customs Dragon Boat Race 赛龙舟 The main event of the festivities is the Dragon Boat Race. 端午节最主要的活动就是赛龙舟。 An necessary part of the festival held all over the country. * 端午节


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