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Lead Location Sightseeing Culture Entertainment Delicious snack * * the last resting-on-water town in china CHINA - Wu Zhen 乌镇—中国最后的枕水人家 Wuzhen lies at the north of Tongxiang City of Zhejiang Province, China. The town is divided into four zones by a cross-shaped river. Due to its warm and humid(潮湿) climate, and abundant rainfalls and sunshine, the products here are rich, making Wuzhen well-known as the town of fish, rice, and silk. About Wuzhen Over more than 1,000 years, the traditional buildings are still well preserved (vt.保存, 维护) after crossing so many rough years. It is just like a natural museum of ancient architecture(n.建筑物). In the town, watercourses and flagstone(n.石板..铺石路)streets extend in all directions (四通八达)and intercross (交叉)here and there. The native residents live peacefully in their old houses by water, just like their ancestor do before a long time. If Wuzhen in the daytime gives you an original taste of water town in Jiangnan, it will bring you a totally different flavor (n.韵味..风味)in the night. This small town, with its black tiles(n.瓦;瓷砖;地砖)and timber(n.木材)framework(n.构架,骨架)houses, contrasts sharply with its white walls and gray flagging, bringing to mind a Chinese ink and wash painting Flower-Printed Blue Cloth Workshop 蓝印花布作坊 Much of the fame of Wuzhen Town can be attributed to Mao Dun, a great modern writer and the first cultural minister of the People‘s Republic. Born in Wuzhen, Mao has described the town with great warmth in several of his novels, and his former dwelling(n.住处.住宅) is preserved here. The wine brewing industry is prosperous in Wuzhen. In the Ming Dynasty, there were over 20 brewing workshops in Wuzhen, and the three most famous ones were Gaogongsheng, Shunxing and Yong Sheng Workshops. Liu ruo ying was in Wu Zhen she is a mouthpiece of Wuzhen. She has an another name ---milk tea , but I think she just like a cup of green tea.very quiet,very artistic. She is a woman of taste. In Wuzhen, you can enjoy the rich food c


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