【金版新学案】高一英语人教版必修三课时作业:1.4 Section Ⅳ Grammar Writing Word版含答案.docVIP

【金版新学案】高一英语人教版必修三课时作业:1.4 Section Ⅳ Grammar Writing Word版含答案.doc

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【金版新学案】高一英语人教版必修三课时作业:1.4SectionⅣ Grammar

课时作业(四) Unit 1 Festivals around the world Section Ⅳ Grammar Writing (本栏目内容,在学生用书中以独立形式分册装订!) Ⅰ.用适当的情态动词填空 1.—Must I hand in this paper one hour later? —Yes,you________. 答案: must 2.—Isn’t that your headteacher over there? —No,it ________be him.I’m sure he has just left. 答案: can’t 3.I still remember my happy childhood when my mother________take me to Disneyland at weekends. 答案: would 4.A machine ________work for itself;it must be operated by man. 答案: can’t 5.You ________leave the little boy alone at home.He is too young. 答案: mustn’t 6.How________you say that you really understand the whole text if you have covered only part of it? 答案: can 7.—To work in the deep water is dangerous.What should we do? —________the robots have a try? 答案: Shall 8.It is strange that the mean man ________give away all his money to those orphans. 答案: should 9.The guard warned,“You________pay more attention to your behavior next time,young man”. 答案: shall 10.At this time of year,it________be very cold here sometimes. 答案: can Ⅱ.阅读理解 Many people know of the Hawaiian tradition:New arrivals at the airport will be greeted with a circle of flowers and kisses.The practice started in Polynesia and Asia,and at first,the lei wasn’t used as a symbol of welcome.The common people handed the circle of flowers over to royalty (王室成员) as an offering of politeness and honor.They chose an intermediary (中间人) to give the gift to members of the royal family.Visits from mainland America softened the tradition and brought about the greeting we know today. Before the invention of planes,travelers arrived by boat and got quite a greeting:hula dancers,a band,photographers and,of course,lei givers.In modern times,tourists are met by a smiling local who places the lei around their shoulders and kisses them on the face.The latter,by the way,is a mainland custom;Hawaiians prefer to touch their noses or breathe a sigh on each other’s face,called a “ha.” Hawaiians give leis to each other for special occasions,like graduati



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