
G3_Franklin_Helps_Out 小乌龟学美语文本.doc

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G3_Franklin_Helps_Out 小乌龟学美语文本

Franklin Helps Out 富兰克林帮助别人 Oh, I can’t believe this! 噢,我简直不敢相信这样的事情! It’s my job! 那是我的工作! Wow, you know a lot. 哇,你知道的好多呀。 This job is perfect for you. 这份工作简直太适合你了。 I’ll never get there fast enough. 我不可能尽快到那。 It would be my pleasure, Mr. Mole. 鼹鼠先生,我很愿意做。 Can you lift this bench? 你能抬起这个长椅子吗? He found me a great job too! 他也帮我找了一份了不起的工作! Franklin could count by twos and tie his shoes. 富兰克林已经会数奇偶数了,他还学会了自己系鞋带。 He helped his mother in the garden and he helped his father hang up the wash. 他在花园帮他的妈妈干活,他帮他的爸爸晾衣服。 But one day, Franklin learned that home wasn’t the only place where he could help. 但是有一天,富兰克林明白了除了家之外,他还可以帮助其他的人。 …and what are some of the things we can do to help make our community a better place to live? 那么我们应该做些什么,使我们的社区更好呢? Pick up litter off the sidewalk? 捡起人行道上的垃圾? Pick litter up in the park? 捡起公园里的垃圾? Pick litter up at the pond? 清除掉池塘中的垃圾? Yes, getting rid of litter is one of many helpful things we can do. 是的,清除垃圾是我们能做的有用的事情中的一件。 What are some other examples? 还有一些其它的例子吗? Hmm…Perhaps the best place to learn about the things we can do for our community isn’t here in the classroom, it’s out there. 嗯……也许最好的了解我们能够做哪些事情,来帮助社区的地方不是这里,呆在教室中,而是在外面。 In the playground?! 在操场上? No. 不。 In the neighborhood. 就在附近。 Now, think of this as a field trip. 现在,设想一下我们在实地考察。 Your assignment is to explore the community, and find a job to do to help others. 你的任务是研究一下社区,找到一份能够帮助别人的工作。 So, what kind of job are we supposed to do? 那么,什么样的工作是我们该做的呢? Yeah, what kind of job? 对,哪种工作? I can’t think of anything. 我想不出任何事。 Oh, I’m sure if you look around you’ll find something that needs to be done…or someone who could use a helping hand. 哦,我确信如果你四处转转,你会找到一些需要做的事情的……或者有什么人是需要帮助的。 Okay guys, let’s start looking. 好了,我们开始找吧。 Follow me! 跟我来! One more thing…I want each of you to do something different. 还有……我希望你们每个人都能够做一些不同的事情。 Uh…I guess we’d better split up then. 嗯,我想我们最好分头行动。 Good idea, Franklin. 好主意,富兰克林。 See ya’ later guys. 回头见,伙伴们。 Yeah, see ya’. 好的,回见。 Good luck everyone! 祝大家好运! Hey, more litte


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