《Project 2 A travel book课件》小学英语译林2011课标版三年级起点六年级下册课件29912.ppt

《Project 2 A travel book课件》小学英语译林2011课标版三年级起点六年级下册课件29912.ppt

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整理归纳 Today, Ill tell you about ... The... in ... is/are... There is/are... in ... For example,... We can see.../ find .../ visit.../eat... Welcome to ... * 1.复习学过的国家·城市及其相关信息。 2. 能听·说·读·写相关单词短语。 3.提高做题能力,从认真审题开始。 Revision 6B U6 An interesting country 1 2 3 Finish four tasks: (完成四项任务) 旅行社想要招聘一些小导游,导游可以免费周游国家,能够顺利完成四个任务就可以通过面试。加油吧! 4 1 迅速读出图片中的国家或者城市。 限时一分钟,四人一组,比比谁知道的更多. Brain storm 头脑风暴 Youll find... in ... 2 You’ll find _______ in _______. The Great Wall Yellowstone National Park Stonehenge Great Barrier Reef You’ll find _______ in _______. Big Ben Eiffer Tower White House Sydney Opera House Ticking time I can say many names of counties and cites 自我评价: 我能正确,熟练说出已学国家以及标志性的城市或者景点 ☆ ☆ ☆ 我能正确说出部分已学国家以及标志性的城市或者景点☆ ☆ 我遇到不会的问题能主动问老师或者同学☆ animal sport city 3 四人一组,一人负责介绍学生们将通过什么途径了解Australia,另外三人分别介绍有关Australia的三个方面。可以适当扩展相关内容哦,比一比谁了解的多。 S1:The children will learn ...... They want to ... ... before the lessons.Mike /Wang Bing/Liu Tao/Yang Ling will… S2:I’ll talk about animals in Australia … S3:… S4:… Australia is the sixth largest country in the world. The capital (首都)of Australia is Canberra (堪培拉) Sydney Opera House is famous(著名) in Australia. The weather in Australia is different from China. When China is winter ,Australia is summer . so when we have a holiday in Australia in July, we must take many winter clothes. because Australia is very cold in July . More about Australia 4 仔细听录音,判断下列句子正确与否。(T/F) ( )1.The woman will go to Los Angeless at three o clock tomorrow afternoon. ( )2. Its usually sunny ,sometimes its rainy in Los Angeless. ( )3 The woman will see Chinatown and Los Angeless Art musumn. ( )4.The woman will eat fish and some meat. ( )5.The man will visit there with her together tomorrow. T 洛杉矶 F F F T windy chicken 唐人街 Ticking time I can say more about one county and a city . 自我评价: 我能正确熟练地介绍Australia并能说出短文中有关Los Angeless信息。☆ ☆ ☆ 我能正确熟练地介绍Australia.☆ ☆ 我遇到不会的问题能主动问老师或者同学☆


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