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PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 8 PAGE 1 东北财经大学本科毕业论文 天虹纺织有限公司市场开发建议 作 者: 吴炎泽 院 系: 睢宁电大 专 业: 工商管理 年 级: 2010年春 学 号: 1032001209083 指导教师: 赵甫 答辩日期: 2013.5.20 成 绩: 良好 内容提要 随着我国纺织技术实现国产化、资本市场对内外资全面开放,世界纺织产业重心正逐渐向我国转移,国际大公司加快了向我国市场渗透,独资合资企业日渐增多,国内民营企业在完成资本积累后,利用技术和资金壁垒消除带来的契机,大举进入纺织行业,目前已形成国有、民营、外企多元发展的完全竞争格局。 天虹中国纺织投资有限公司是我国最大的包芯纱供应商之一,目前正面临市场份额下降、效益不断下滑、科技创新能力不够、机制和体制不适应完全竞争的市场格局等一系列问题,行业领导者地位受到挑战,企业该如何应对? 本文通过对其所处纺织行业的宏观环境、产业环境等进行分析,同时分析企业所面临的机遇和挑战、具有的优势和劣势,指出企业应实施集中化低成本战略。并提出了加快原料配套、发展优势产品;加快企业创新,调整产品结构;加快内部机制和体制改革,增强综合竞争力等建议,以使天虹中国纺织投资有限公司继续保持国内领先、国际一流的市场地位。 关键词:天虹纺织 发展 战略 建议 Abstract Along with our country textile technology implementation is homebred change, capital market to foreign fully open, the world textile industry focus is gradually shifting to China, the international big companies to speed up Chinas market penetration, wholly-owned joint venture enterprise increasingly, domestic private enterprises in the completion of capital accumulation, utilization of technical and financial barriers to eliminate opportunities, poured into the textile industry, has now formed state-owned, private, foreign companies in the diversified development of complete competition pattern. Rainbow Chinese textile Investment Company Limited is Chinas largest core-spun yarn suppliers, is currently facing a declining market share, benefit glides ceaselessly,Rainbow Chinese textile Investment Company Limited is Chinas largest core-spun yarn suppliers, is currently facing a declining market share, benefit glides ceaselessly,ability of innovation of science and technology is insufficient, mechanism and system to perfect competition market structure and a series of problems, the status of an industry leader is challenged, enterprise how to deal with? This article through to the textile industry in the macro environment, industry environment for analysis, and analysis of enterprises are facing


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