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.PAGE 1.郑州交通职业学院 毕 业 论 文(设 计)论文(设计)题目: 热释电红外节能灯电路设计 所属系别 信息工程系 专业班级 电子信息工程技术1班 姓  名 姚再峰 学  号 200908060830140 指导教师 赵瑞芹 撰写日期 2012 年 02 月摘 要在生活中,我们无时不在使用着灯,诸如台灯、路灯、日光灯、探照灯、彩灯等等,但不管是什么样式的灯,它们的作用都是一样的—照明。因此,设计一个即实用又方便的照明灯则是我们人类共同的愿望。而生活中我们用的最平常的灯则是楼道里的照明灯,过居民楼的人都应该知道,楼道很窄,晚上行走很不方便,如果让楼道里的灯一直亮着,则难免会浪费国家资源,因此设计一种既不浪费国家电力又很方便实用的照明灯系统是很有实用价值意义的一件事。随着科学技术的发展,节能灯已成为千家万户必需的生活用品,而智能化的热释红外节能灯也起到了举足轻重的作用,现实生活中人们经常由于忘记关灯而造成巨大的能源浪费,当夜晚来临时,人们又摸黑去开灯,非常不方便。在这里我们设计了热释红外节能灯解决了这一问题。它以人体红外辐射(波长为9.5um)传感为控制电路,当夜间或外界光强较弱且有人走近时能自动开灯,当无人或人离开时则自动关灯。自动感应开灯,成本低,方便生活;达到节约能源的目的。设计制作了一种热释电红外节能灯,主要是以BISS0001和单片机组成的红外传感控制电路。其特点是在有人时且外界光强较弱时能自动开灯,无人时关灯,节约能源。关键词:照明灯;节能;自动感应;热释电红外;BISS0001 AbstractIn life, our nothing is not using light now and then , the desk lamp , road lamp , daylight lamp , searchlight , illumination wait a minute such as , illuminates but disregarding what the form light , their effect being all is the same. Desire therefore, designing that one is a pragmatic convenient headlamp is to be that our human being is common. That life is hit by the most common light that we use is to be headlamp inside the corridor but , fault resident building people all ought to know the corridor is very narrow, go on foot in the evening not going to the lavatory very much, being that the pragmatic headlamp being hard to avoid wasting country resource , designing that one kind both not wasting Enel and go to the lavatory very much therefore is systematic is to a matter having practical value significance very much if making light inside the corridor always bright. With the development of science and technology, energy-saving lamp has become a necessary articles for daily use of thousands, and intelligent infrared heat release energy-saving lamps also has played a pivotal role, real life people often due to forget to turn off the lights and cause huge energy is wasted when night comes, they took to t


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