人教版英语七年级上册Unit 3 Is this your pencil Section A 1a-1c公开课课件 (共19张PPT).ppt

人教版英语七年级上册Unit 3 Is this your pencil Section A 1a-1c公开课课件 (共19张PPT).ppt

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人教版英语七年级上册Unit 3 Is this your pencil Section A 1a-1c公开课课件 (共19张PPT)

Unit 3 Is this your pencil? A: Is this your pencil? B: Yes, it is. It’s mine. * * * * * What are in the schoolbag? ? Find the owner(物归原主) Is this your...? Yes, it is. Its mine. No, it isnt. Its his / hers. 只有两次机会噢! ? Who is the owner (主人) ? 1. pencil __ 2. pen __ 3. books __ 4. eraser __ 5. ruler __ 6. pencil box __ 7. schoolbag __ 8. dictionary __ e g b h c f a d 1a Match the words with the things in the picture. t a k o o b n a r o p o c a m h i f e c g a b l o o h c s n n e p a c k a p a m e u k a r e l u r e l a c d e s a c e d y r a n o i t c i d r e b c l i c n e p Circle the words as quickly as possible. 六人为一组,迅速圈出你所找到的单词,最快完成的小组立刻派出两位同学上台展示(至少找出8个单词)。获胜者加1分! Fun Time Chant Pen, pen, pen. Is this your pen? Yes, yes, yes. Its mine. Its mine. Pencil, pencil, pencil. Is this your pencil? No, no, no. Its his. Its his. Ruler, ruler, ruler. Is that your ruler? No, no, no. Its hers. Its hers. Chant ____, ____, ____. Is this your ____? Yes, yes, yes. Its mine. Its mine. ____, ____, _____. Is this your _____? No, no, no. Its his. Its his. ____, ____, _____. Is that your _____? No, no, no. Its hers. Its hers. 请六人为一组,运用所学的单词仿写新的chant,并向大家展示,可得1分噢!给大家一分钟时间准备噢! 一人填写, 其他组员打节拍试唱 A: Is that your schoolbag? B: No, it isn’t. It’s his. A: Are these your books? B: No, they aren’t. They’re hers. 3 2 1 1b Listen and number the conversations [1-3]. Watch a video Boy1: Excuse me, is ____ your pencil box? Girl: Yes, ___ ___. Boy1: Here you are. Girl: _________. Boy1:Is this your ______ ? Boy2:____, it isnt .I think(认为) its her eraser. Boy1: Hanmei , Is ____ your eraser? Girl:Yes, it is. Thanks. Boy1:That’s OK. is it this Thank you eraser No this Listen and fill in the blanks. 1. 请每位同学拿出一样自己的文具。 2. 如果老师说PASS,不能和同学交换文具。 注意 出错的同学将为你的对手加上1分噢! 3. 如果老师说Miss Yan says pass,请把手中的文具和传给下一个同学。 A: Excuse me, is this your eraser? B: No, it isnt . A: Is this your eraser? C: Yes, it is. Its mine. A: Here you are. C: Than



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