《Unit6 Emails and descriptions of places 课件》高中英语人教版选修英语写作58999.ppt

《Unit6 Emails and descriptions of places 课件》高中英语人教版选修英语写作58999.ppt

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《Unit6 Emails and descriptions of places 课件》高中英语人教版选修英语写作58999

定语从句的写作与训练 涿州中学:周晓蔷 Teaching aims: Apply Attributive Clause to the writing and promote the students’ writing abilities. Teaching Importance: The usage of Attributive Clause in the writing. Teaching Difficulty: How to use Attributive Clause in the writing correctly and skillfully. 定语从句的关系词( leading in and Revision) 关系代词: 关系副词: 2.关系副词引导的定语从句 关系副词引导的定语从句是指when,where,why引导的定语从句。 1).The reason why people celebrate the festival is that they believe it is the time when the moon is at its fullest and brightest in the whole year, and people will gather together eating mooncakes and appreciating the full moon.(2013·辽宁高考满分作文) 人们庆祝这个节日的原因是,他们相信这时候是一年中月亮最满、最亮的时候,人们聚在一起吃月饼、赏满月。 2).Our school is located in a northern city of China, where you can taste many kinds of delicious food.(2014 天津高考满分作文) 我们学校位于中国的一个北方城市,在那你能品尝到各种可口的食品。 3.“介词+which/whom”引导的定语从句 1).I am very glad to receive your letter, in which you asked me about how I was getting along in the college entrance examination.(2014 四川高考满分作文) 我很高兴收到你的来信,在信中你问我的大学入学考试怎么样。 [即时演练]用适当的关系词填空(Thinking and practising)) 1.Those ____ do simple and ordinary jobs are also promoting the development of the society.(2013·广东高考满分作文) 2.____ we all know, cleaning streets is one of the hardest work.(2013·广东高考满分作文) 3.My teacher advised me to repeat the materials several times and read them aloud, _____ they think will help improve my memory.(2013·四川高考书面表达) 4.I will never forget the days ____ we worked in the small town. 5.She was educated at Beijing University, after ______ she went to have her advanced study abroad. 二、定语从句的写法(Writing skills) 定语从句是比较难掌握而又是学生在写作中喜欢尝试的复杂句,因此在写作时可采用“三步法”: 第一步:写出两个简单句; 第二步:在一个简单句中找出一个要修饰的词,这个词在两个简单句中都有; 第三步:把另一个简单句改成定语从句,特别注意关系词的选择。 [示例] 第一步:写出两个简单句。 ①The foreigner is from Canada. ②He visited our class yesterday. [即时演练] 把下列每组题中的两个简单句合并为一个含有定语从句的复合句 1.I have a friend. Her father is an engineer. 2.They planted the trees. The trees didnt need much water. 3.Ive always longed for the days. I will be able to be


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