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Thanks for Your Attention! accurate, exact, precise辨析 accurate强调的是“因为细心,谨慎而实现的准确”。 [反] inaccurate He gave an accurate description of the situation. 他对局势进行了精准的分析。 Accurate prediction is difficult because of the complication of the factors. 因为情况复杂,因此很难做出准确的预测。 exact 指的是严格遵守事实的,严格按照标准的。 a chart showing the star’s exact position in the galaxy 一张显示了星星在银河中的确切位置的图表 precise尤指定义上的和界定上的“精确,“明确。[反]loose Industrial robots are getting smaller and are more precise and sensitive enough to work with soft substances, doufu, for example. 工业机器人体积越来越小,精确性更高,并且灵敏度 也很好,可以处理非常软的物质,例如,豆腐。 Words Phrases feeling, emotion, affection, sentiment, passion 辨析: feeling是指愉悦,爱慕,痛苦,厌恶等等人类的感情。 Whatever feelings she had for him is gone. 她对他的感情已经消失地无影无踪。 emotion和feeling在很多时候都可以互通使用。但是前 者有“强烈的感情”的含义。同时,这两个词都既可以 表示褒义,又可以表示贬义。 affection侧重于表示“亲切,偏好,喜欢,依恋”等感情。 North Americans often pat on arm in reassurance or stroke a child’s head in affection. 北美的人经常拍拍别人的胳膊表示让他放心,或者亲切地摸摸小孩子的头。 sentiment 一般是指“感伤,善感”等含义,侧重于“优雅的气质,知识分子的愁绪”有时候含有“做作的”等贬义。 passion是指强烈的,迫切的感情。 Revenge became his ruling passion.他被复仇的念头所支配。 Words Phrases 1. Writing VS Calling Part III Further Development Step 1 Divide the class into two big groups. One group lists all the advantages and disadvantages of letter writing, while the other group of calling. Step 2 The members of each group are encouraged to list as many advantages and disadvantages as possible on the blackboard. Writing VS Calling Writing VS Calling 4) Sometimes the sound is not clear. 4) it’s a pleasure to write. 3) It is difficult to express deep feelings over the phone. 3) We can get our friends’ response quickly. 3) It takes more time to write. 3) Letter can express our deep feelings. 2) Calls usually can’t be kept or listened again. 2) It enables us to hear each other’s voice. 2) Mail may get lost. 2) Letters can be kept and read again and again. 1) It is expensive 1) It is quick to place a phone call and contact each other. 1) It takes much time to send a letter to


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