
The Four Treasures of the Chinese Study知识讲稿教程文件.ppt

The Four Treasures of the Chinese Study知识讲稿教程文件.ppt

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The Four Treasures of the Chinese Study知识讲稿教程文件.ppt

The Four Treasures of the Chinese Study 第八组:于鹏 王楠 韩优 郭碧岳 Summary of the Four Treasures of the Study: The paper, ink, brush, and inkstone are special representation for chinese culture :they are known together as the Four Treasures of the Study .They are an important integral part of the chinese traditional culture, meanwhile a resplendent treasure in the history of science and culture of our world. Till now it famous for Lake brush,Xuan paper,Hui ink and the Duan inkstone. It represented what we said as “Four Treasures”. Introduction of Brush: Brushes are important tools of traditional Chinese calligraphy. China has a long history of brush. The Spring and Autumn and Warring states period all used Chinese brush-pen. In the Qin dynasty, people called brushes for “Bi”,and the name has been used today. It said that the brush was first made by Mengtian,a famous general of Qin Dynasty. Till now , it has survived over 2200 years. Ink is a kind of what is black material what is used for painting and calligraphy. It and brush produced in the same age. In the Shang dynasty, there has been a kind of natural Ink. Artificial ink began in the Warring states period, and the ink’s quality has reached a certain level. The ink is made from lampblack (soot) and binders, and comes in sticks which must be rubbed with water on an inkstone until the right consistency is achieved. Introduction of Ink: Introduction of Paper: Paper is one of the important written materials. It is producted by the plant category fiber processing. In Western Han dynasty , people have invented paper-making technology. In Eastern Han dynasty,Cailun have improved paper-making technology. Since the Song dynasty ,the paper’s variety becomes more and more ,and paper’s quality also improved. In China, Xuanzhi, traditionally made in Anhui province, is the preferred type of paper. 王羲之——兰亭序(行书) 曹全碑(隶书) 颜真卿——多宝塔碑(楷书) 张旭——肚痛帖(草书) 顾恺之——洛神赋 黄公望——富春山居图 张择端——清明上河图 徐悲鸿——八骏图


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