On Differences of Marriage Customs Between China and Western Countries 中西方婚俗差异_精品.doc

On Differences of Marriage Customs Between China and Western Countries 中西方婚俗差异_精品.doc

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On Differences of Marriage Customs Between China and Western Countries 中西方婚俗差异_精品

On Differences of Marriage Customs Between China and Western Countries 中西方婚俗差异 课题(论文)提纲 引言 1. 中国婚俗 1.1纳采 1.2问名 1.3问吉 1.4纳征 1.5请期 1.6亲迎 2. 西方婚俗 2.1建议 2.2改姓 2.3选期 2.4举行婚礼 3. 中西方的不同点 3.1 婚姻媒介的不同 3.2自由程度的不同 3.3平等程度的不同 3.4婚姻目的的不同 4. 产生差异的原因 4.1宗教信仰 4.2文化根源 4.3婚姻观念 4.4地理位置 结束语 二、内容摘要 中国婚俗有着许多的仪式。最早记载婚礼习俗的《仪礼》云:“婚有六礼,纳采、问名、 纳吉、纳征、请期、亲迎。”而在西方国家主要有4个程序,即建议,改姓,选期和举行婚礼。由于宗教、文化根源、婚姻观念以及地理环境的不同在一定程度上导致了中西方婚俗的不同。在中国婚俗中,媒人起着决定性的作用,而作为婚姻当事人的青年男女却没有选择的自由和权力,而且男女在婚姻中的不平等现象也屡有出现。 在西方,是牧师在婚姻中起作用,并且青年男女有合法的权力去选择自己的夫婿或妻子。当然中西方的婚俗也存在相同的地方。它们存在了上千年之久。近年来(特别是新中国成立之后),中西结合的婚姻屡有出现。 三、参考文献 [1] 曾丽娟..Western Marriage custom.2006. [2] Wollstoncraft, Mary. A Vindication of the Right of W0man. New York: Cambridge,1967. [3] 鲍宗豪.婚俗与中国传统文化[M].桂林:广西师范大学出版社,2006. [4] 陈鹏.中国婚姻史稿[M].北京:中华书局,2005. [5] 范明生,陈超南.东西方文化比较研究[M].上海:上海教育出版社,2006. [6] 欧阳若修,韦向学.外国婚俗[M].广西:漓江出版社,1986. [7] 潘晓梅.婚俗简史[M].北京:中国社会科学出版社,2004. [8] 邵先崇.近代中国的新式婚丧[M].北京:人民文学出版社,2006. [9] (英国)泰勒,连树声(译).原始文化[M].桂林:广西师范大学出版社,2005. Abstract: There are many procedures in Chinese Marriage custom. The book Propriety and Ceremony, which records earliest wedding ceremony, says that marriage includes six etiquettes, namely, proposing, asking the name, asking for fortune, sending betrothal presents to the girls family, discussing the date of marriage and meeting the bride. In western marriage, there are four procedures. They are proposal, changing surnames, choosing the day and holding the wedding. As the different religions, cultural origins, marriage concepts and geographies, there are many differences existing in the two kinds of Marriage customs. In Chinese Marriage custom, the matchmaker functions almost all the time and youths have no right to choose and women are not on an equal footing with men. By contrast, in western Marriage custom, the priest functions and the youths have legal right to choose whom they want to marry and men and women are equal. There also exist common things in the two sides. They have been maintained for thousan


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