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Chapter 7 Constraints and Triggers 第7章 约束与触发器 7 Constraints and Triggers 7 Constraints and Triggers 7.1 Keys and Foreign Keys 7.1.1 Declaring Keys 7.1.1 Declaring Keys 7.1.2 Keys Declared With UNIQUE 7.1.2 Keys Declared With UNIQUE 7.1.3 Enforcing Key Constraints 7.1.4 Declaring Foreign-Key Constraints 7.1.4 Declaring Foreign-Key Constraints 7.1.4 Declaring Foreign-Key Constraints 7.1.4 Declaring Foreign-Key Constraints 7.1.5 Maintaining Referential Integrity 7.1.5 Maintaining Referential Integrity 7.1.5 Maintaining Referential Integrity 7.1.5 Maintaining Referential Integrity 7.1.5 Maintaining Referential Integrity 7.1.5 Maintaining Referential Integrity 7.1.5 Maintaining Referential Integrity 7.1 Keys and Foreign Keys 7.2 Constraints on Attributes and Tuples 7.2.1 Not-Null Constraints 7.2.2 Attribute-Based CHECK Constraints 7.2.2 Attribute-Based CHECK Constraints 7.2.2 Attribute-Based CHECK Constraints 7.2.3 Tuple-Based CHECK Constraints 7.2 Constraints on Attributes and Tuples 7.3 Modification of Constraints 7.4 Assertions 7.5 Triggers 7.5.1 Triggers in SQL 7.5.1 Triggers in SQL 7.5.1 Triggers in SQL 7.5.1 Triggers in SQL 7.5.1 Triggers in SQL Summary Triggers: A trigger is a database object stored in some relation. When certain event happens, a sequence of operations is triggered. Triggers, sometimes called event-condition-action rules or ECA rules. Event: data modification: insert / delete /update Condition: Once event happens, a condition can be checked: If the condition does not hold, then nothing else associated with the trigger happens. If the condition hold, then the actions will be executed. Action: a sequence of database operations. Old New Event/Condition[Action] Grammar: CREATE TRIGGER trigger-name trigger-time trigger-event [,trigger-event,..]ON table-name [ REFERENCING [ OLD { ROW | TABLE } AS old-name ][ NEW { ROW | TABLE } AS new-name ] [ FOR EACH { ROW | STATEMENT }][ WHEN ( search-condition ) ]compound-stateme
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