欧阳曦 文学英语赏析.ppt

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欧阳曦 文学英语赏析

* English Through Literature 文学英语赏析 主讲人:欧阳曦 Unit 1 introduction Unit letter Questions: 1.Why literary texts are a good language learning resource? 2.What are the methods to enhance the learning of literature? Section 1 Two Fables 詹姆斯·瑟伯(James Thurber,1894~1961) 美国幽默作家,寓言作家,画家。俄亥俄州人,大学毕业后,1927年进入著名杂志《New Yorker》编辑部,成为其中最年轻有为的编辑之一,后来又作自由撰稿记者。当过记者、编辑,晚年执教于耶鲁大学。瑟伯一生创作了大量的散文、随笔、寓言、故事、回忆录等,他还亲自为自己的作品绘制插图。瑟伯的作品普遍受到人们的喜爱,但最成功的要数他那些冷面滑稽的讽刺小说。他尤其擅长刻画大都市中的小人物,笔法简练新奇,荒唐之中有真实,幽默之中有苦涩,被人们称作是“在墓地里吹口哨的人”。代表作有《当代寓言集》、《当代寓言续集》。 Task 1 1.The writer uses the word “devoured”. Why do you think he preferred this word to any of the following equivalents? Ate\consumed\gobble up\swallowed answers 2.Look at the word entangled. Can you find three words the writer uses to mean roughly the same thing? 3. The writer uses the word landed. How many other words does the writer use to convey roughly the same meaning? Ate is a very general word, so it is not precise enough. Consumed is also not really appropriate; it dose not suggested the physical act of eating. Gobbled up would be possible. It indicates greed and voracious(狼吞虎咽的) hunger. Swallowed is physical but it does not suggest a violent form of eating. The best of all is devoured, which has connotations of greed, of monsters tearing bodies apart, of rapaciousness(强取,贪婪), of eating something completely. back Section 2 A short story Flash fiction 闪小说 “闪 小 说 ” 之 名 源 自 英 文“flash fiction”。西方的“flash fiction”源远流长。其历史渊源可以追溯到伊索寓言,写作者包括契诃夫、欧·亨利、卡夫卡等伟大作家。闪小说既是文学的、具有小说的特质,又是大众的,具有信息时代多渠道传播的特色。这类小说,具有小小说的基本特征,但又有其自身的特点。具体说,在写作上追求“微型、新颖、巧妙、精粹”。从作者创作角度看,闪小说是灵感的火花,是心灵的闪电;从读者接受角度看,闪小说是一种轻松阅读,符合现代生活的快节奏特色。因其短,阅读快,可见缝插针随时随地阅读。 Task 2 1. In the first paragraph, the writer is telling us about sth which happened in the recent past. What happened? answer 2. Which time zone does the second paragraph refer to? And the third? Do


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