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傳家寶企業社與技術學院之研究 計畫類別:(  民國年月 20日起至民國 年月日 合作廠商:傳家寶企業社 計畫主持人:林帥月副教授 共同主持人: 計畫參與人員: 中 華 民 國 105 年 9 月 10 日 溥心畬〈十二月令聯文〉之研究 溥心畬在近代中國繪畫史上享有盛名,與張大千、黃君璧並稱「渡台三家」,也因為其滿清貴冑身分,自幼接受「琴棋書畫詩酒花」美學、文藝薰陶,在1963年謝世時,被譽為「中國文人畫的最後一筆」。 溥氏一直以來以「書畫」聞名,論者也多集中探討他在繪畫與書法上的成就,然而詩書畫三絕的他常自稱:「詩優於書,書優於畫」,可見他對於「詩」的創作相當用心也有其自信。啟功在追憶他向溥心畬學畫的歷程時,也提到溥氏常教他作詩,常說「畫不用多學,詩作好了,畫自然會好。」 本研究是針對溥心畬於1942年(47歲)時所書〈十二月令聯文〉進行賞讀分析,以作為「詩詞」、「對聯」教學上的補充以及藝術美學欣賞能力的提升;另一方面,月令、時序對一般庶民生活或詩人感懷皆有其興發影響,即景抒懷是境我互動的自然呈現。 Abstract Pu Hsin-yu in the history of modern Chinese painting reputation, and Zhang Daqian, pi saying crossing the three Taiwan, also because of its identity Manchu nobles, an early age, poetry and painting, poetry and wine flowers aesthetics, art edified, 1963 when the die, known as the Chinese literati painting the finishing touches. Pus has been to painting famous commentators also more focused on his achievements in painting and calligraphy, poetry and painting Ruin, however, he often claimed: Poetry is better than the book, the book is better than painting, showing his respect Writing poetry has its intentions quite confident. When Qi Gong Pu Hsin-yu recall him to study painting course, its often referred to Pu taught him poetry, often said Videos do not learn, good poetry, painting naturally good. This study is directed Pu Hsin-yu (47 years old) when the book in 1942 December to make joint text Shangdu were analyzed as poetry to enhance and complement the aesthetic appreciation of the art of couplet teaching on ; on the other hand, on order, the timing of the general life of the common people or poets have their recollections Xingfa impact Scenery poetry is my territory to interact naturally present. 關鍵詞: 溥心畬 十二月令 聯文 Keywords: Pu Hsin-yu The December order Lianwen(Couplet) 前言 二、 文獻回顧 .tw/activity/topic01.aspx)就相當能展現出後世對這位大家的關注焦點。其生平傳記或相關論述包括蔣健飛〈舊王孫溥心畬〉;周棄子〈中國文人畫的最後一筆〉;塵陌〈溥心畬藝事錄〉;陳衡恪〈文人畫的價值〉;姜一涵,〈從易象的觀點論南張北溥〉;詹前裕,《溥心畬繪畫研究》;蔣勳,〈文人畫的南渡〉;沈以正,〈溥心畬--中國文人畫的


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