人教版初中英语2011课标版 八年级下册第九单元Section B 2a—3c(共22张PPT).ppt

人教版初中英语2011课标版 八年级下册第九单元Section B 2a—3c(共22张PPT).ppt

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人教版初中英语2011课标版 八年级下册第九单元Section B 2a—3c(共22张PPT)

Singapore 鱼尾狮(Merlion) 鱼尾狮为一座狮头鱼身的雕像,是公认的新加坡的标志,到新加坡未拜访鱼尾狮就如同到中国未登长城。它位于新加坡鱼尾狮公园中,高8.6米,重约70吨,喷水常年从狮嘴中向外吐出,颇为有趣。 position: Where is Singapore? position: in Southeast Asia 新加坡共和国 为一城市岛国,位于马来半岛南面,由新加坡岛及附近小岛组成,地当太平洋与印度洋之间航运要道马六甲海峡的出入口。北与马来半岛隔1?.2?千米宽的柔佛海峡,有长堤相连,可通汽车和火车,总面积为700多平方公里。 国花:兰花(卓锦、万代兰) 国徽格言:前进吧,新加坡。 ?国名释义:马来语意为“狮子城”。古称单马锡,意为“湖泊、海城”。 民俗:有公历、中国农历、印历和马来历多种历法, 依各种历法有禁食节、大宝森节等多种节日。 Discussion Discuss in groups and tell us more about Singapore. Places of interest in Singapore 一、滨海艺术中心(Esplanade-Theaters?on?the?Bay) 也叫“榴链艺术中心”或“榴链壳剧院”。 二、夜间野生动物园(Night?Safari) 三、新加坡植物园(Singapore?Botanic?Gardens) 四、圣淘沙岛(Sentosa?Island) Reading Look through the passage quickly and tell: 1.What is the passage about? 2.What kind of place is it? Its about Singapore. Its a place that you will never forget. Learn the new words: simply, fox, Indian, natural, southeast, nature?park, whenever Read the passage , circle the words then guess the meaning 借助上下文语境和课本插图猜测出语义:population,? fear,? daytime,? wake?up, equator, dark, Scanning Read the passage quickly and summerize the main idea of each paragraph(概括出每一段的一个中心词): Paragragh1: ; Paragragh1: ; Paragragh1: ; Paragragh1: . language food zoo temperature Language Chinese and English. A lot of food from China, such as rice, noodles and dumplings. Indian food, western food and Japanese food. Food Population More than three quarters of the population are Chinese. Read and take notes Zoo Singapore has a special zoo called the “Night Safari”. A lot of animal only wake up at night, so this is the best time to watch them. The temperature is almost the same all year round. Weather Readin


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