高一英语《Gaining Confidence》课件7.ppt

高一英语《Gaining Confidence》课件7.ppt

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(It is) no wonder (that)--- 怪不得,难怪,不足为奇 怪不得他们看上去都那么快乐和兴奋。 It is no wonder that they all look so happy and excited. * 1. Look at the following film posters and tell who is the leading actor of all these films. Match the Chinese with the English. Philadelphia Forrest Gump Saving Private Ryan Cast Away Big 《拯救大兵瑞恩》 《飞进未来》 《费城故事》 《浩劫重生》 《阿甘正传》 Match the pictures with the names. Philadelphia Forrest Gump Saving Private Ryan Cast Away Big Read the first paragraph of the text and fill in the blanks. Personal Data Name __________ Date of Birth ____________ Birthplace _________ Family members __________________ Personality ____ Hobby ___________ Tom Hanks July 9th,1956 California Father, two brothers shy theatre plays 汤姆·汉克斯(Thomas Hanks,1956年7月9日—),美国电影男演员,以演技精湛而著称,曾参演多部不同类型电影,饰演角色包括易受攻击的《阿甘》、以灵感主演的《费城故事》、温馨喜剧《西雅图不眠夜》。他曾于1994、1995年获得奥斯卡最佳男主角奖,他是当今好莱坞最具影响力的电影明星之一。 1) When his parents separated, he and his two elder brothers went with their dad. separate: v. force, take, or pull apart; 分开 make a division or separation 3. Here are five sentences from the following passage. Find out the meaning of each word in red with the help of a dictionary. We talk until midnight and then separated. 我们一直谈到午夜才分开。 A fence separated the cows from the pigs. 围栏把猪和牛分开来。 separate: adj. 单独的,独自的 The children sleep in separate bed. 孩子分开睡在各自的床上。 练习: 1) 这个花园把他的房屋与隔壁的分开了。 This garden _________ his house ____ the next. 2) 他和他妻子什么时候分手的? When was he ________ ______ his wife? separates separated from from 2). Hanks began appearing in many of the 1980s most famous comedies, which kept his career going. comedy 喜剧[C][U] One of his new comedies is to be presented. 他的一个新喜剧将要上演。 career 经历;生涯;历程[C] He found it both interesting and instructive to learn about the careers of great men. 他觉得了解伟人的生平既很有趣又有教益。 3). His career reached a peak in 1990 beginning with Big. peak 高峰, 顶端, 最高点 Tourism is at its peak in August. 八月是旅游高峰。 4). He has a nature charm that


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