高一英语《Old And New Reading The Three Gorges Dam》课件.ppt

高一英语《Old And New Reading The Three Gorges Dam》课件.ppt

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* The Three Gorges Dam vocabulary 课前自主学习区反馈 Task 1 用所给词的适当形式填空 1. historical 2. construction 3. dates from 4. to accommodate 5. original Task 2 找出课文中出现的定语从句 限制性定语从句 (Restrictive attributive clause): 1. Mao Zedong wrote a poem in which he dreamed of “walls of stone to hold back clouds and rain till a smooth lake rises in the narrow gorges”. 2. More than a million people who lived in the region have moved from their homes. 非限制性定语从句 (Non-restrictive attributive clause): 1. The power of the Yangtze River, which is the worlds third longest river, has been harnessed by the Three Gorges Dam. 2. The Three Gorges Dam, which is the biggest construction project in China since the building of the Great Wall and the Grand Canal, has been built to control flooding and provide hydro-electric power for the central region of China. 3. Sun Yat-sen, who was the leader of the 1911 Revolution, first suggested the idea of a dam across the Yangtze River in 1919. Mao Zedong wrote a poem in which he dreamed of “walls of stone to hold back clouds and rain till a smooth lake rises in the narrow gorges”. dreamed of hold back narrow dream: to have a dream while you are asleep to think about something that you would like to happen dream of/about + _____________ dream +_______________ doing/ n. that clause live a happy life fight a good fight breathe a deep breath laugh a foolish laugh smile a forced smile sing a lovely song The lady dreamed a sweet dream. She danced a charming dance. narrow adj. not wide a situation in which you only just avoid danger, difficulties, or trouble Peter had a narrow escape when the plane was out of control. 九死一生 Peter narrowly escaped death when the plane was out of control. adv. only by a small amount The river _________ at this point. narrows flood n. a very large amount of water that covers an area that is usually dry 1. The reservoir has flooded 2 cities, 11 counties, ... 2. ...and the project has flooded some of China’s most famous histori


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