高一英语《plant World》课件5.ppt

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equip oneself for a task 使自己准备好去做工作 equip a ship for a voyage 装备一艘船以备出航 equip soldiers with uniforms and weapons 以服装和武器装备军队 equip sb. with sth. = sb. be equipped with sth. 用--- 装备 3. Steamboats, rowing boats and gondolas are the transportation vehicles which serve either as buses or taxis for this special city. 在这个特殊的城市里,汽船,小艇,刚朵拉这些交通工具充当着“公共汽车”或“的士”的角色。 1)which serve as ‘buses’ or ‘ taxis’ for this special city.作定语,修饰vehicles 2)serve as 作为---用, 担任 He serves as a doctor. serve (1)(给---)提供,端上 vt. serve sb. with sth. / serve sth. to sb. 给某人端上 --- 服务员给我们上酒。 The waiter served us with wine. (2)接待,服务 vt 他伺候主人很多年了。 He has served his master for many years. (3)尽义务,履行职责 vi 他已在部队服役3年了。 He has served in the army for 3 years. (1)bathing in the sunshine,watching the water softly kissing the stones of the buildings是两个现在分词短语作状语,表伴随状态。kissing the stones of the buildings现在分词短语作宾语补足语。 常用于be in harmony with结构中,意思是“相配,与……一致;和平相处”。 His tastes are in harmony with mine. 他的爱好与我的相同。 My cat and dog never fight - they live together in perfect harmony. 我的猫和狗从来不打架——它们和睦相处。 6.The splendid scenery with so much historical interest and so many stories makes it a world-famous tourist attraction. 壮丽的风景,丰富的历史名胜和神奇传说使三峡成为世界著名的旅游景点。 with so much historical interest and so many stories是介词短语作后置定语,修饰the splendid scenery; it这里指the Three Gorges。 It took the teacher days to get his class under control. 这位老师花了几天 就把他的班级控制住。 Keep your temper under control. 控制住你的脾气。 The fire was soon got under control. 火很快被控制住了 (3) lose control of 意思是“失去对……的控制”。 The driver lost control of the car. 司机失去了对小车的控制。 (1) when I finally start from Baoguo Temple on a dark and rainy evening with two colleagues是一个时间状语从句。从句中的on a dark and rainy evening是start这一动作的时间状语, with two colleagues是start这一动作的伴随状语。 11.At the beginning we had the impression that the rain was stopping and some very early daylight seemed to be reaching us. 刚开始,我们觉得雨似乎要停了,一缕曙光也好像正要向我们射过来。 impr



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