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9. I am tired of him. He _____ about everything. A. always complains B. is always complaining C. is complaining D. complains 【解析】选B。be always doing这个结构用进行时表示抱怨,不耐烦的语气。 * Ⅰ. 用以下单词的正确形式填空 1. die ① He died of lung cancer at a young age. ② The traffic accident caused 14 deaths . ③ He has been dead for three years. It is impossible for you to receive his letter. 2. contruct ① The bridge was constructed in 1937. ② When we reached the hotel, it was still under construction . ③ Many natural disasters are destructive . 3. occupy ① The big box has occupied most of the table. ② He got many certificates(证书)to find a good occupation . Ⅱ. 从表格中选择适当的短语,将其正确形式填入空格中 give up, be addicted to, around the corner, get/be stuck in, go up, on average, pick up, take action 1. On average , every bus can hold about 40 people. 2. Those who are addicted to smoking can not quit easily. 3. The price of oil has gone up again recently. 4. Unless we take action to protect the earth, we will see disasters in the future. 5. Christmas is around the corner , so people are busy preparing presents. 6. He was hard to persuade, so I gave up finally. 7. I was late for school for half an hour because I was stuck in the traffic jam. 8. Where did you pick up the news? It is so untrue. Ⅲ. 单项填空 1. The world today _____no longer what it _____ in the ancient times. A. is; was B. was; is C. is; is D. was; was 【解析】选A。注意时态在这句话中的对比。本句意为:今天的世界不再是古时候的样子了。 2. Unemployment has______ again. A. gone up B. gone over C. gone off D. gone round 【解析】选A。考查动词短语辨析。句意:失业人数已再次增长。go up“上升,增长”。go over“检查”;go off“爆炸”;go round“走弯路;四处走访”。 3. Selena is always sick and weak ______ her sister Elle is a good football player, as strong as a horse. A. when B. as C. while D. though 【解析】选C。句子要表达“Selena一直以来体弱多病,而她妹妹Elle则是一个优秀的足球运动员”的含义。while强调对比。 4. Mary is______ a tra


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