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Unit 4 Creatures large and small 1. creature n. Respect for all living creatures. strange creatures from outer space a/the creature of sb a creature of habit 2. view n./v. What’s your view about/on sth? We take the view that it is wrong to offer them access to the station.(持这种观点) In my view, it is a waste of time. The lake will soon come into view. There was nobody in view. The train disappeared from view. In view of the weather, the event will be held indoors. When the car was first built, the design was viewed as highly original.(独具匠心) The property can only be viewed by appointment viewer n. viewers of the current affairs The programme attracted millions of viewers. What’s your view on/about the death of Bin Laden? 过去的十年间人们的时尚观有了巨大的变化。 Over the past decade people’s views on fashion have changed dramatically/ greatly. in one’s view = in one’s opinion = from one’s point of view/viewpoint 依我之见,试图说服他放弃计划纯属浪费时间。 In my view, it is a waste of time trying to persuade him to give up his plan. in view of = considering = on account of 鉴于,考虑到 In view of the weather, the event will be held indoors. 鉴于他还年轻,我们应该容忍他的所作所为。 In view of his youth, we should be tolerant of what he did. v. view A as B (n. / adj. ) When the car was first built, the design was viewed as highly original. 那个一度被看作世界头号恐怖分子的男人前天被美军击毙。 The man, once viewed as the most wanted terrorist in the world, was shot dead by the US force the day before yesterday.3. shelter n./v. People were desperately seeking for shelter from the gunfire/rain/snow. Trees sheltered the house from the tornado. Perhaps I sheltered my daughter too much. We sheltered from the heavy rain in a doorway. An animal shelter. A century ago much of our effort was devoted to producing food, clothing, shelter and transportation. 当地政府为地震灾民搭建了临时避难所。 The local government put up a temporary shelter for the victims of the earthquake. find / take shelter from sth. 躲避。。。(seek / provide shelter from…) He rushed into the lobby of the hotel


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