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PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 1 九年级英语书面表达1 背景设定:电视已经深入到了我们生活的每个领域。随着社会的发展,人们看电视的时间也越来越多,电视既给我们带来了乐趣,也难免产生一些消极影响。作为学生,你觉得我们应该多花时间去看电视吗?电视给我们带来的是更多的好处还是坏处?下面有两种观点: We should watch TV We shouldn’t watch TV ①电视是现代生活的重要组成部分。 ②电视是传播文化和信息的重要工具,我们可以通过电视学到很多书本上学不到的知识。 ③好的电视节目可以开发智力,促进我们健康成长。 ①看电视对人体健康,特别是眼睛有害,容易引发多种疾病。 ②花大量时间看电视会影响我们的学习和工作。 ③很多电视节目容易误导少年儿童,对他们的成长有害。 请你根据上面所提供内容,任选一种观点写一篇短文。 要求:1.观点必须明确,不得含糊其词。 2.所表达内容必须包括3个要点,可以适当拓展。    3.词数80字左右,标题自定。 参考范文1: We should watch TV   As we know, TV plays an important part in our daily life. In my opinion, watching TV is good for us.   Since it was invented, TV has been an important part of the modern life. It is also an important tool to spread culture and information. We can learn much knowledge from TV which we can’t get from books. What’s more, good TV programs can keep us wise and healthy. With TV, children can grow up happily.   Since TV is so important and useful, why shouldn’t we watch TV often? 参考范文2: We shouldn’t watch TV   It is known to all that TV is very important and useful to our daily life, Yet it doesn’t mean that we should spend much time on it. I think we shouldn’t watch TV often.   Watching TV may be enjoyable; however, it is also bad for our health, especially our eyes. It can cause many kinds of diseases. Also, spending too much time watching TV can influence our work and study. Besides, many TV programs are not suitable for children. They have a bad influence on children’s growth. In a word, for all the reasons above, we’d better not watch TV. 九年级英语书面表达2 电脑是当代的高科技产品(a high-tech product),在我们的生活中越来越普及,几乎深入到每个家庭。电脑 可以帮我们处理(handle)很多事情。列举一些事例,写一篇关于电脑在日常生活中的用途的文章,说明电脑的利弊。 The computer — a high-tech product, has become so popular that it is seen in almost every family. It is playing an important role in our everyday life. The computer helps us handle many matters: official business, chat online, study, sending e-mails, long-distance education and entertainment such as listen


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