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·国家自然科学基金资助项目(编号·从“阳光城”到“广亩城”:基于 城市功能——形态特征的理性辨析 及现实启示From the Radiant City to Broadacre City Basing on Rational Analysis and Practical Enlightenment Between the Morphological Characteristics and City Function李 晶张 沛LiJingZhang Pei中图分类号 TU984.1文献标识码 A文章编号1003-739X(2014)08-0021-05[摘 要] 西方国家关于城市规划理论研究较早,尤其以“广亩城”与“阳光城”城市理论模型为代表,同时城市发展从研究功能到空间形态特征便成为重要研究课题。中国目前正处于城镇化快速发展阶段,城市外部环 境、内部结构发生着巨大的变化。因此,对“广亩城”与“阳光城”的理论内涵以及城市特征进行梳理,通过 核心价值的辨析,重视我国城市发展的现实问题,并进行发展方式的检讨,为我国的城市规划提供理论启示, 并引导城市规划实践工作有序进行。最终指导城市规划实现公平与效率的平衡,建立环境友好型社会。 [关键词] 阳光城 广亩城市 城市功能 城市形态 公平与效率DOI:10.13942/ki.hzjz.2014.08.005[ Abstract] The researches ab out urba n plann ing th eo ries started early in western count ries, especially the urba n theo retical mo dels of Broada cre City and Rad iant City are representatives. At the same time, the research of urba n development from the function to the spa ce mo rphology features has become important research subject. China is currently in rap id development stage of urba nization, huge changes have taken place in the urba n external environment and the internal structure. Therefore, the pap er presents the theo retical connotation and urba n characteristics of Broada cre City and Rad iant City, through the analysis of the core value, pa ys attention to the realistic problems in the urba n development in our country, and reviews the development way, to provide theo retical enlightenment for our countrys urba n planning, and lead urba n planning practice wo rk to be orderly. Eventually it guides urba n planning to achieve the ba lance of fairness and efficiency, estab lishs environment-friendly society.[Key wo rds] Rad iant City, Broada cre City, Urba n functions, Urba n form, Fairness and Efficiency1 背景介绍“阳光城”与“广亩城”起源于20世纪30年代,由现代城市规划倡导者勒·柯布西耶(法 国)与(美国)赖特分别提出,并作为城市形态的两种形态雏形即集中与分散,至今仍对城市的 发展与建设有影响作用。随着经济体制、增长方式的转变和科学发展观的贯彻落实,我国的城市发展步入了新的时 期。因此,通过辨析两种理论内涵,剖析两种类型的城市基本特征,并借鉴规划理论中的策略与 措施。对我国城市发展面临的问题予以现实启示,城市规划实践予以导引,寻求城市发展中解决 对策,最终指导城市规划实现公平与效


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