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Unit 5 Sports Section A Basic Sentence Patterns 1. Do exercises regularly and you’ll keep fit? 经常运动会使你健美。 2. My favorite sport is swimming. 3. The most popular sport is football. 最流行的运动是足球。 4. You should buy yourself a pair of running shoes. 5. Let’s go to the baseball game tomorrow.Can you get tickets? 我们明天去看棒球赛吧。你能弄到票吗? 6. Would you like to play tennis with me? 你愿意和我打网球吗? 7. Certainly, but I’m not very good at it. 当然,但我打得不太好。 8. Don’t worry.You know practice makes perfect. 不用担心,你知道熟能生巧。 9. He runs every morning to prepare for the race. 为准备比赛,他每天早晨都跑步。 10. The first one reached the finish 5 minutes ago. 第一名5分钟前就到达终点了。 11. What’s the score? 比分多少? 12. Who is winning? 谁赢了。 13.The group in blue and white takes the first place. 穿蓝白相间服的队伍取得了冠军。 14.The Yankees won by a score of 3 to 2. 扬基队3比2取得了胜利。 Section B Fashion Conversation (1) A: Say,what’s your favorite sport? B: Hmmm...It’s hard to say.I like golf a lot but I guess I like tennis better. A: Do you play much tennis? B: Yes,quite a bit.How about a game sometime? A: Sorry.I’m strictly a spectator ---football,baseball.basketball,golf...I watch them a11. (2) A: Hi,Danny! The teams are coming into the field.Have you ever seen the Yankees? B: No,I haven’t. A: What about Laurie? Has she ever seen a baseball game? B: No,she hasn’t.She doesn’t like baseball.Have your parents ever seen a professional game? A: No.They haven’t seen any professional games. B: Which ones are the Yankees? A: They’re wearing blue and white uniforms. B: Who’s pitching first? A: The Red Sox. B: Are both teams good this year? A: Yes...pretty good. B: Which one’s better? A: The Red Sox are usually better than the Yankees,but this year the Yankees are the best team in the league. B: Do they ever lose? A: Oh,yes.Sometimes they lose,but they usually win.They don’t often have a bad day. B: Which team do you like? A: I’ve always liked the Yankees. B: Me, too.Who’s winning now? A: The Yankees...four to two.They’re scored another run. B: Is this the


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