
美国概况 Topic 1 History.ppt

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美国概况 Topic 1 History

少见原因引起的颅内静脉窦血栓形成课件突发心跳呼吸骤停抢救应急演练课件小学英语教学法英语教学原则阻滞剂在减低非心脏手术 少见原因引起的颅内静脉窦血栓形成课件突发心跳呼吸骤停抢救应急演练课件小学英语教学法英语教学原则阻滞剂在减低非心脏手术 The History and Culture of the U.S.A by Zheng Yidong College of Foreign Language September 20th, 2005 Congress Supreme Court White House Flag of U.S.A.(Stars and Stripes ) “美国人在两百多年间经历过的艰难险阻,形成了自己的性格和自己的哲学。”(亨利?斯蒂尔?康马杰著《美国精神》民族性格是表层文化的的象征,民族哲学则是深层文化理念的体现。从文化角度来看,美国的发展则经历了从塑造自我的民 族化(美国化)到表现自我的国际化(世界化)历程。按照这仪历程,美国文化的发展大体上分为三个时期: 1).欧洲化时期(18世纪以前) 2).美国化(民族化)时期(19世纪)—对欧洲文化传统的改造和文化的自我肯定时期。 3).国纪化(世界化)时期(20世纪)(现代化时期)…… 总之,综合美国文化的发展历程可以看出,多元化、现代化、世界化是美国文化的主要特征. Topic One: HIstory 1.Colonization of Noth America 2.The American War of Independence 3.The Growth of the Nation 4.The American Civil War 5.The U.S. Imperialism and the Fisrt World War 6. American before and During the Second World War 7. The postwar American Chapter 1.Colonization of Noth America American history is generally agreed to have begun in 1607 when the first group of the British colonists started to build their settlement there. The period of colonization covered the years from 1607 to 1776, that is, from the first settelment of English colonists to the independence of America. 1. Indians The Indians living in America originated from Asia some 25,000 years ago by crossing the Bering land bridge, which later became the Bering Strait. The migration continued for thousands of years. Who were they? Where were they from? 3)Who disvovered them? 4)Where do they live? 5)What about their lives? 2. The Discovery of America 1)The Old World 2)The New World 3) History will always remember two names---Christoper Columbus and Amerigo Vespucci(阿美利哥?味斯普奇)It was they who discovered and indentified the new continents. 3. Colonization of North America After the discovery of the New World, the European powers sent many explorers to the new continents and they began to compete against each other in occupy


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