最新整理现代大学英语精读6 第四课Nettles.ppt

最新整理现代大学英语精读6 第四课Nettles.ppt

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最新整理现代大学英语精读6 第四课Nettles

Nettles ——Alice Munro Author: Alice Munro Writing style Many of Munros stories are set in Huron County, Ontario.(Huron County is a county of the province of Ontario, Canada.) Her strong regional focus is one of the features of her fiction. Another is the omniscient 全知的 narrator who serves to make sense of the world. see the world. literature can help a new awareness of the world. Nettles Why is the story entitled “Nettles”? Do nettles have any symbolic meaning here? The subject of “Nettles” is about the problems of a middle-aged woman, the passions, confusions and dilemmas that any woman in a modern society might be confronted with, regardless of race, colour or nationality. friendship and love marriage and divorce Theme Life is not always smooth; love is not always sweet. Nettles are here and there in the journey of people’s life. Character Relations about the Nettles The plot of story evolves around a middle-aged woman’s reunion with a childhood boy friend in 1979, but it moves back and forth between past and present. animals How does the author begin the narration? Do you find this beginning interesting or peculiar? Why or why not? The plot of the story does not follow the normal time order. The author begins her story in a rather unusual way. She starts her narrations from 1979 in the brief beginning paragraph. But after that she switches to “ years afterwards” in the second paragraph. ketchup Why does the author devote so much space to the narration of childhood memories? Is the narration vivid and interesting? Give your comments. From Para3 to Para 15 the writer gives a vivid description of her childhood, especially the memories of time she spent with mike. The puppy love(少男少女短暂的爱情,早年初恋) she had for mike is deeply rooted in her memory. there was a tin mug hanging on the pump......para3 went to whatever school which is close at hand:near in space or time Each of the trees on the place had an attitude and presence – the elm look


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