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训练收獲 談判概念 妥協(Compromise)的藝術 給(出)(Give) 拿(回)(Take) 成本效益(Costs Benefits) 談判重要事項 心理整合 事前準備 策略擬定 堅持原則 充分溝通 個人關係 高層互訪 團隊合作 談判心理整合 智慧 經驗 勇氣 堅持 品牌力 產品力 通路力 組織力 談判概念 妥協(Compromise)的藝術 給(出)(Give) 拿(回)(Take) 成本效益(Costs Benefits) 引數據 講事實 除困難 尋商機 細緻規劃 完美執行 以對話替代對抗 用妥協創造雙贏 法律文件(一) 法律文件(二) 法律文件(三) 法律文件(四) 法律文件(三) 法律文件(三) 训练学习无止尽。。。 谈判对手“酷”无情。。。。 加油!加油! 春种一粒粟,秋收万颗子 携手合作 共创辉煌 多谢聆听! 預祝2010談判成功 Back – ups Sales Sales Modern trade growth Mass Margin Classical We still negotiate conditions Commercial margin rate Mass Margin according to Carrefour definition means a concentration of the efforts based on profitable sales growth above the market trend…. Efforts concentrated on profitability improvement (in %) thanks to negotiation Efforts concentrated on sales development (over the market trend) Commercial margin rate Shared Objectives for Y+1 Y Result Additional increase for Y+1 Market trend for Y+1 Additional Sales …Customers always ask where is the additional sales from? Market trend How to reach Sales Target 11 T 958 T 1.8 M 165.8M 34 T Projects 2010 23.5 T 4.9 M 1.2% Target 9.5 T 4 M Promotion Vol: +12% 1.6 M NPD 3.3 % Val: +11% 25 T 10 New store 2.7 % growth 855 tons 4.1 M 1.1% 149.4M Organic growth* *merchandising/ logistic / Category management 2009 base 2.7% *C4 business Additional Sales * NKA客戶操作原则 * 以績效為導向之交易條件 不得片面任意下架鎖單 刪除罰款 / 賠償條款 扣款應經事先授權同意 準時匯款 建立雙方高層會議溝通管道 NKA客戶操作原则 NKA客戶操作原则 * NKA客戶4個挑戰 罰款 賠償 扣款 前七後捌 合約中刪除/加註 合約中刪除/加註 合約中刪除/加註 促銷確認單註明 挑戰 策略 First of all, Damien and I are very pleased to be with you this evening and to have the opportunity to present you the new Carrefour Group (further to the merger with Promodès) as well as our international market development as well as our process of category management. Sorry, the background needs updating cause Picard frozen Foods doesn’t belong to Carrefour any more. First of all, Damien and I are very pleased to be with you this evening and to have the opportunity to present you the new Carrefour Group (furth


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