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Am I writing? Yes, you are. No, you aren’t. Are you dancing? Yes, I am. No, I’m not. Is he/she running? Yes, he/she is. No, he/she isn’t. Are they reading? Yes, they are. No, they aren’t. * How are you?…… Fine, thank you……. * Blackboard Design Unit 7 Where would you like to go New Words: Dangerous Beautiful Expressions: go to , would like to Structure: where would you like to……. I’d like to……. * 七、板 书 设 计 Unit 4 Wildlife Protection How Daisy learned to help wildlife Language points 1. Lead-in 2. Pre-reading Predict the title 3. While-reading Listen to the tape Fast reading Careful reading 4. Post-reading Role-play Discussion Guessing Talking Thinking words: phrases: expressions: Fill in the table Fill in the blanks Mulitple-choices 5.Summary Warningappeal 6.Homework Find the main idea Fill in the table T/F * The whole teaching process went smoothly, students learned with high motivation and improved a lot. Especially in discussion section they learned the importance of useful sentence structures and the way to get high score in writing. However, there are still some shortages, for example, some kinds of charts are not included, some students still can’t write appropriate sentences and they need more practices. Therefore, I will include more activities to reinforce the students writing ability in later teaching. * Teaching contents Text book version New Senior English For China, Student’s Book 2 By People’s Education Press Topic Wildlife protection Teaching material analysis Student analysis Teaching, learning methods and teaching aids Teaching procedures Blackboard design important and difficult points Main Contents * This unit is mainly about wildlife protection. With the development of the global economy, the environmental problem is more serious. Having to be harmonious
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